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There are loads of locations where you can set up base in Sons of the Forest, but there are always some places that are just a bit better than others. Whether it’s due to the plentiful resources nearby, the large, open, flat area for building, or just the fact that it’s hard to reach by enemies, some base locations certainly stand out among the rest. Here, we’re not only going to focus on the base locations that are difficult to reach by enemies but also the ones that are excellent for building large, elaborate bases in Sons of the Forest.
5. Crash Zone Beach

The Crash Zone beach is easily my favorite base personally, simply because it’s very easy to get to and there’s quite a bit of space for starting. This is definitely the ideal first base location, but if you’re closer to endgame portions of Sons of the Forest, you should look to other locations. The Crash Zone Beach is one of the few spawn locations where you can actually start out and begin your life among the cannibals.
4. East Beach

Any of the beach locations, including that for the East Beach are relatively easy to get to. The East Beach is relatively close to the Crash Zone Beach and you can run from there to find this location, which is much better for endgame bases in Sons of the Forest. The East Beach has loads of wide open space that’s perfect for building up a massive base. However, it can be kind of tricky to get your hands on some of the resources you’ll need to make more advanced items, so be ready to make some strenuous treks inland to find resources and food.
3. West Beach

Yeah, I know. There are quite a few beach base locations here. Hear me out. They’re great. The West Beach base location is rather central to several cave locations and, while it doesn’t boast the impressive building area that the East Beach does, it certainly has its perks. At the West BEast, you’ll be able to get your hands on resources much easier and even check out some nearby points of interest and useful item locations.
2. Mountain Lake Base
Okay, so we already know that beach bases are pretty OP, but lake bases are the real Sons of the Forest endgame base strat that you need to pay attention to. The Mountain Lake Base is pretty awesome, but it doesn’t thaw, so it’s not the best lake base location available. However, the lake’s surface is perfectly flat, so building on it will be a breeze, and you can put up any number of defenses you want without having to worry about them not staying in-tact as soon as the ice melts.
1. Inland Lake
The Inland Lake base in Sons of the Forest is easily the best. If you hit up this location while everything is frozen over during the winter, you can actually build up a base that will be unreachable during the warmer months. I’m not sure if you knew this, but for some reason, eating human flesh means you’re incapable of swimming. That said, cannibals won’t be able to reach your base any time the ice is thawed out. Whatever you build on the ice during Winter will stay afloat and in one piece during the other seasons.
Sons of the Forest is now available on PC.