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Larian Studios has outdone itself, and Baldur’s Gate 3 is already one of the largest and most complex RPGs of all time. With so many characters, endings, and ways to fight and explore, it’s hard to imagine running out of content. That said, there are always improvements or additions that could be made, whether you’re a Baldur’s Gate veteran or new to D&D. That’s where mods come in. There are already plenty of mods available for the game, and more are arriving every day. All of the following are available on Nexus Mods. Here are some of the best mods for Baldur’s Gate 3, in no particular order.
Long Rest Costs Tweaks

If the player wants to fully restore their party’s health and spent spells, there’s only one option: take a Long Rest. This mechanic makes narrative sense and is vital for progressing the story, but some players may take issue with the costs associated. For some, having to scavenge supplies for their characters to consume feels like a needless burden. Others want steeper costs that better reflect the true cost of keeping a band of combat-ready adventurers fed. The Long Rest Costs Tweaks mod by Avalonica can make Long Rests incredibly cheap or incredibly punishing, as the player sees fit.
Increased Level EXP Requirements

Baldur’s Gate 3 uses a simple Experience Point system inherited from Dungeons and Dragons. Killing monsters grants XP, and with enough XP, the player levels up. There’s nothing wrong with this simple, intuitive system until the player decides to do a completionist run. The more the player explores, the more they fight, and the more they fight, the faster they level up. This means that it’s easy for XP to outpace the story for players who are intentionally searching every nook and cranny or playing on the Tactician difficulty that naturally spawns more mobs. The Increased Level EXP Requirements mod by AggroTotem slows down leveling just enough to provide for more natural power progression.
Start Your Own Band

There’s something immensely satisfying about playing music in a video game. Watching a character bang on a drum or pluck at the strings of a lute is great. In Baldur’s Gate 3, players get the chance to do just that by playing a Bard. Unfortunately, playing music is limited to that class in the base game. Thankfully, modders already have a fix for that. Start Your Own Band – Everyone Can Play Music by oilnarak01 lets all of your party members play an instrument, regardless of class. Does it make a huge mechanical difference? No, but it sure is fun.

Let’s be honest, there’s a hard-working loot goblin inside most players. It doesn’t matter if it’s an enchanted greatsword or a half-melted candle: everything belongs in the player’s bag. Baldur’s Gate 3, faithfully following D&D‘s rules, is a bit of a trap in this area. Never mind the actual treasure; there’s lootable junk in pretty much every room. If the player insists upon filling their pockets with every trinket within reach, it’s only a matter of time before they exceed their encumbrance limit. Doing so slows characters to a painful crawl. The CarryWeightExtra mod by LostSoulman solves this by massively increasing carry limits, letting players loot to their heart’s content.
Realistic Carry Weight

The exact opposite of CarryWeightExtra, the Realistic Carry Weight mod by masasaito18 reduces the amount of loot that characters can haul around. This change makes the game far more realistic by forcing players to only take what they can reasonably carry. Instead of snatching up every random bit of litter on the dungeon floor, players will focus on the weapons, armor, jewels, and scrolls that are actually worth something. Realistic Carry Weight is a great mod for roleplayers who want to squeeze the most realistic Dungeons and Dragons experience that they can from the game.
Customizer’s Compendium

Anyone in doubt about Baldur’s Gate 3’s ability to generate interesting characters needs only spam the Randomize button. Though the base game already provides tremendous diversity in terms of the bodies and faces that players can have, character creation could always be improved. The Customizer’s Compendium mod by AlanaSP improves character creation by opening up options previously restricted to NPCs, giving players even more ways to live out their D&D fantasies. That easily makes it one of the best Baldur’s Gate 3 mods.
Baldur’s Gate 3 is available now for PC, PS5, and