Becoming a veterinarian is one of the most satisfying jobs in BitLife. I mean, really, who wouldn’t want to devote their life to saving adorable animals in need? The job’s not only satisfying, but it’s also quite useful and pays pretty well. You can build your bank account while you work toward completing certain challenges that require you to be a vet. However, going out and getting a job as a vet isn’t just as simple as that, you’ll have to spend quite a bit of time in University.
How to Become a Veterinarian in BitLife

To become a veterinarian, you will need to acquire the right education. As a child, make sure your character is smart and has high grades so you can qualify for University. Once your character has graduated from secondary school, you will be given the option to apply to university, look for a job, or take time off. If you do not decide to go to university right away, you can go to the Occupation tab and select University under Education. Otherwise, if you do decide to go to university right away, you will have the option to pick your major.
Choose Biology or Chemistry if the options appear. You may have the option to apply for a scholarship for free tuition. If you do not, you can also take out a student loan or ask your parents for money.

After you’ve graduated from University (hopefully with some good grades) it’s time to head back into the Occupation tab to spend yet another few years increasing your education. Head back in and select Education. From there, you must choose to apply to Veterinary School. This can be quite expensive, and you’ll likely need to either take out a loan or have someone else help you out with the cost of it.
Once you graduate from vet school, you can view the full-time job listings under the Jobs tab in Occupation. Find a veterinarian position in the job listings and apply for it. You may need to age up a couple of times for it to appear since the job listings are random. When you are accepted for the position, you will officially become a veterinarian in BitLife. However, it’s important to note that you must start out as a Jr. Veterinarian and work your way up to a Sr. Vet by obtaining promotions at work and putting time into the job.
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