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You can keep your guns and weapons in Blox Fruits—I’ll stick to using the best Devil Fruits. They’re incredibly powerful, come with numerous abilities and utility, and personally, they’re the most fun to play with, especially against other Roblox players. Ideally, you should be using the best Devil Fruits in the game, whether it’s in PvP and PvE, but we all make do with what we have. Hopefully, the Devil Fruit you have isn’t too low on the list.
S-Tier Devil Fruits
[Updated August 8, 2024 – New fruits added, images, and adjusted the rankings.]

Getting an S-tier fruit in Blox Fruits is like winning the lottery. They’re very hard to get your hands on them and have incredible powers to match. If you have one of these, do not get rid of it:
- Dark: With every ability having a built-in stun and generous hitbox, you might as well tap out if a Dark user catches you, especially if they have a sword, too.
- Magma: You have such insane burst damage, it’s hard not burying a few players before your combo is over.
- Quake: Similar to Magma, Quake has very high burst damage. The abilities are a tad harder to land, especially Seaquake.
- Buddha: Using Shift grants 55% damage reduction, larger hitboxes, and every ability breaks Instinct. If you use swords, guns, or fighting styles, Buddha is a must-have.
- T-Rex: Fast animations, high damage, and has one of the best M1 attacks in Blox Fruits due to its damage and Instinct-breaking potential.
- Dough: Because most of your skills have to be aimed, it’s downright impossible to predict where Dough’s punches come from. Also, getting caught in Piercing Clothesline is an instant rage-quit.
- Shadow: Fantastic single-target damage and godlike sustain with Nightmare Leech.
- Venom: The Venom fruit is so strong and packed with passives and abilities, it’s unanimously hated by anyone who doesn’t have it.
- Dragon: Has the largest AOE attacks in the game. Fire Shower is particularly powerful, given that its area can span entire islands.
- Leopard: It’s fast, high damage, and the cooldowns are short enough that you can spam your moves frequently. Expect players to send you mean messages, though.
- Kitsune: High mobility, great damage, and long range attacks with generous hitboxes and stuns baked in.
- Spirit: One of the few fruits that can heal you, stun and knockback enemies, increase your speed, and skills that are both AOE and DoT (damage over time).
A-Tier Devil Fruits

If S-tier are the best fruits in Blox Fruits, then A-tier are second best. Almost as rare too, but easier to obtain by a mile:
- Flame: Every ability has snappy animations, big hitboxes, stuns, breaks Instinct, and Rocket Flight lets you zip around the battlefield.
- Ice: Because each skill stuns and hits such a large area, it’s really hard to miss your target. It makes it all the more easy to chain your abilities together.
- Sand: Sand’s awakened form is kitted out with everything you’d want in a PvP and PvE fruit, such as stuns, awesome damage and AOE, and the ability to break Instinct.
- Light: Once Awakened, Light’s strong damage and AOE only gets better. Raining pure light down on your enemies with Wrath of God will never not be satisfying.
- Ghost: Respectable AOE range with superb damage and the uncanny ability to revive yourself when you die.
- Spider: It’s like a lesser version of Dark, but most of your abilities break Instinct. Oh, and you get to swing around like Spider-Man!
- Phoenix: Great all-around damage and utility, but Phoenix’s best aspect is the healing. Other than Sound, you can’t find a better support fruit in Blox Fruits.
- Rumble: Easily A-tier for its high damage, stuns, and generous hitboxes. Like Ice, your abilities hit such a large area it’s hard to miss them.
- Blizzard: Essentially a better version of Smoke, including the ability to deal infinite damage as long as you avoid being hit.
- Mammoth: Not quite the strongest of the Beast fruits, but definitely S-tier potential. Having 50% damage reduction (in beast form) will save your life on more than one occasion.
B-Tier Devil Fruits in Blox Fruits

Your average Devil Fruits—not great, but by no means are they bad. In fact, most of these fruits will get you through most of the content in Blox Fruits.
- Bomb: You’ll unlock most of Bomb’s abilities relatively quickly, giving you access to skills with good damage and massive AOE. It’s excellent for farming and PvP in the First Sea.
- Smoke: It’s a nice mix of AOE, skillshots, and stuns. Smoke Bomber also has the nifty ability to deal infinite damage if you’re able to avoid being hit.
- Diamond: In terms of damage, Diamond doesn’t deliver, but if you’re dumping points into Sword or Melee, the Encust ability grants 25% more defense and stacks with Aura.
- Rubber: Pretty good damage all-around and most skills break Instinct. Rush is one of the best stuns in the game, too. Also, you’re immune to Rumble, guns, and Electric.
- Love: Solid damage and Flamingo Ride is handy for carrying players. However, Love is best paired with a weapon or a fighting style that has stuns.
- Sound: Although Sound’s damage brushes up against A-tier, it’s just difficult to use due to the Tempo Meter. If you can master it, you’ll be everyone’s best friend since it’s an aura that grants damage reduction, damage, and speed to everyone near you.
- Portal: An honorary B-tier fruit, not because of its damage (which is poor), but for having the best teleport skills in the game. Pair it with swords or melee and it’s a viable option in PvP, too.
C-Tier Devil Fruits

Now we’re heading into sub-par territory. Aside from a few exceptions, these Devil Fruits have issues that prevent them from really shining.
- Rocket: All-around decent damage and every attack is an AOE, other than Blast Off. You could get by just fine in PvP and PvE. It’s also the cheapest fruit that grants flight.
- Chop: For PvE it’s fine, but it truly shines in PvP since it grants immunity to sword attacks, even elemental ones.
- Spike: It’s essentially a weaker version of Smoke and Dough. You’ve got AOE attacks (most fire in a line), a stun, and Spiky Ball comes in handy for grinding.
- Barrier: The only reason Barrier sits in C-tier and not D-tier is that it’s great for support. Any player you capture in Barrier Prison is at your mercy!
- Pain: Unless you’re a sword, gun, or fighting style user, Pain doesn’t offer much.
- Gravity: Although Gravity’s damage is respectable, the mastery you need to unlock every ability isn’t worth it.
- Control: While Control could very well be A-tier, it’s so easily countered. Once someone steps outside the Area-Bound, you can’t use Control’s abilities.
D-Tier Devil Fruits in Blox Fruits

The worst of the worst. If you’re unlucky enough to have one of these, maybe beg another player for something better. Even a C-tier fruit would be exponentially better.
- Spin: The range and damage of its abilities are so abysmal, even with a maxed out Blox Fruit stat. You end up taking way too many hits just trying to deal damage.
- Spring: Spring’s abilities are way too narrow to be of any use against players and grinding.
- Falcon: Every skill has a narrow hitbox, making them practically useless for farming. The damage isn’t all that good, either. Worse still, it makes it very hard to land in PvP.