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Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 might share the same universal settings UI with MW2 and MW3, but it’s got plenty of new audio, gameplay controls, and PC graphics options that must be tuned for the best experience. You need to hear the footsteps better, play the game smoother with Omnimovement and have high FPS and good visuals to spot and take down the targets. Let’s head over them one by one.
Best Black Ops 6 PC Graphic Settings

The graphics settings in all recent Call of Duty games come with Display, Quality, and View branches, and Black Ops 6 is no exception. The first two are how we optimize the performance and the game’s visual quality, while the view tab is more of a personal area.
Personal Advice: I’ve tested the settings below on three setups with a 4050 Laptop, 3060Ti, and 3070, and with all of them, some options under the Quality tab must be set to “High” for the best performance. For some reason, reducing the Shadow & Reflection and Environment quality settings drops the FPS, especially if you’re using upscaling and sharpening tools like AMD FSR 3 and Nvidia DLSS.

Not much to change here in the Display settings, unless it’s the pesky Vsync that always affects the performance in a negative way if you’re playing on mid-range devices. For me, it’s the Nvidia RTX 4050 and I turn this option off for a better experience.
One important thing to check here is the Nvidia Reflex Low Latency, which helps get that small edge of faster response from your PC hardware. Turn this option “On” if your graphic card is stronger than the other components, and select “Boost” if you have a well-rounded device with a strong CPU and GPU.
The other thing to keep in check in the Display tab is the custom frame rate option. For the sake of your GPU’s health, it’s always better to keep it cool and away from heat. So, if you set a 60 or 30 FPS cap for the menu rendering, that’d help a lot. Also if you want a more consistent experience with your PC’s performance in the gameplay, you can set an FPS cap of 90, 120, or even more if you’ve got that high-end piece of tech.

Jumping into the Quality tab, this is the most important part of Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 graphics settings on PC that directly affect your game’s visuals and performance. Starting with the Upscaling/Sharpening options, the DLSS is still the best there is for better performance. Set this option to Quality – 70, and you’ll get 20 extra frames. This config works best for keeping the quality and adding some more FPS, but you can also try the other options like Balanced and Performance to see which suits your device better. Got the RTX 4080/4090? Turn the Upscaling off already!
Details & Texture

The texture resolution affects your quality/performance the most here, and its best option for playing Black Ops 6 on most PCs is Normal. You won’t be sacrificing too much quality here, and the performance is much better than when you set it on High. This and the Upscaling settings are the base options you should be changing if you’ve got FPS drops in the game.
Now remember to keep the Texture Filter Anisotropic, Detail Quality, and Particle Resolution on high for better clarity and overall quality. Turn Depth of Field off if you play Zombies and Multiplayer the most, and leave the Shader Quality on normal. If you’ve got a better PC config, however, don’t hesitate to pick that sweet high Shader Quality.
Shadows & Reflection – Environment

Shadows & Reflections graphic settings work more like the sweet dessert beside the daily meal. You can go ahead and tune all these options too high, but it’d come with the cost of FPS, which isn’t the best if you’re playing the competitive side of Black Ops 6. For that, the settings above give you a normal quality of things with enough shadow clarity.

The View tab in Black Ops 6 graphic settings features the best option for better gameplay: Field of View. Tune this option anywhere between 105 to 120 so that you expand your view box. Other than that, all the options in this tab are best personalized to match your preference.
Best Black Ops 6 Audio Settings

Notice! There are no tricks or settings to eliminate all surrounding audio, only to hear the footsteps in Black Ops 6. Please don’t fall for fake promises.
Black Ops 6 is selling a $20 AI tech for better audio accuracy, but does it really make any difference? So far, using the free Treyarch Mix has been the best for me. The footsteps audio is clearly heard with a nice pair of headsets.

Under the Voice Chat tab, the Proximity Chat for using certain field upgrades is necessary. However, you should note that if you’re playing in a noisy place and your default input is Mouse and Key, it’s best if you play using the Push To Talk option; your teammates would appreciate it, trust me.
Best Black Ops 6 Gameplay and Controls Settings

Even after the heavy aim assist nerf with Black Ops 6, controllers are still great to use in Call of Duty. Under the controller settings, you’ll find the most important tuning options, AKA the sensitivity. Adjust this controller setting to your preference in Black Ops 6, and remember to test it out in the Firing Range for the best.

Now, there’s one more super important slider here in the Black Ops 6 controller settings that is crucial for perfecting your aiming accuracy. The analog Deadzone options help your aim and movements responsiveness by lowering the “Min” slider for left and right analog sticks. If your controller’s analogs are damaged, however, this might result in unwanted drifts that rather ruin your gameplay.
If you’re willing to level up your controller Call of Duty experience though, you can customize the controls as well. The best you can do is to change the jump and crouch/slide buttons to the bumpers or the RS/LS. I’ve changed the jump to R3/RS, while I easily dropshot the opponents and slide cancel by holding the L1/LB.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 does not feature the Aim Assist Type option that we had in MW2/MW3, but still, there’s one thing that you need to change here for the best controller setting. Head over to the Advanced Aiming Settings, and select Dynamic for the Aim Response Curve option. If you’ve felt weird about your aim in Black Ops 6, this is the solution.

There are a few options under the movement tab that you must change for a smooth Omnimovement experience, no matter if you’re playing with a controller or not. First of which, is the Sprint Assist that has to be turned “On.” Set the first slider to 0, and max out the other two. This would trigger the sprint sequence without any delays.

Next, is the Slide/Dive Behavior, which is best set on Tap for a faster response on your slide cancels. Also, remember to head over to the Advanced Movement settings in Black Ops 6, and set the Tactical Sprint Activation on Single Tap Sprint.

Two important options here in this tab are the Interact/Reload Behavior and Aim Down Sight Behavior. While the second one is best set on Hold, the first is depending on your playstyle and preference. If you like reloading with a single tap, then you should select the Prioritize Reload. If not, Prioritize Interact is your go-to; specially if you’re playing Warzone as well.