Avatar 5 is a future movie that not many people expected to happen. When you think about the franchise that James Cameron is most famous for (Terminator), he was only involved in two of them.
Meanwhile, Avatar (Cameron’s return to the silver screen) was much less well recieved. This was partly due people feeling like the environmental message was shoved down their throats. However, it’s clear that at least one person liked Avatar.
James Cameron himself.
So much so that he has plans for four sequels. Not one. Not two to make it into a tidy trilogy. Five Avatar films. Or at least that’s what there is at the moment. The good people at heyuguys are reporting that Cameron has finished scripts for four more Avatar movies. According to composer James Horner;
‘He’s got four sequels script-wise, and he’s trying to make it into three. And I think that’s where the effort is going right now […] how do you keep it from expanding into a fifth movie?’

It probably shouldn’t be so surprising how invested James Cameron is in his most recent creation. He’s already decided to shoot the sequels (however many) back to back. Although this has hit a slight delay; the next installment will hit cinemas in 2017. A year later than planned.
Should people be excited about this? As mentioned, the first film wasn’t exactly a critical success. Should the possibility of going up to Avatar 5 be something to look forward too? Cameron seems confident that we’ll see Avatar’s appeal as a saga rather than a stand alone film;
‘There’s a layer of complexity in getting the story to work as a saga across three films that you don’t get when you’re making a stand-alone film,
We’re writing three simultaneously. And we’ve done that so that everything tracks throughout the three films. We’re not just going to do one and then make up another one and another one after that.’
Time will tell.