Carrie Fisher, known for her role as Princess Leia Organa in the Star Wars franchise, has passed away at the age of 60.
The actress passed away Tuesday morning after a heart attack a few days ago. Minutes before Fisher’s United flight was supposed to land at LAX, she suffered a heart attack. Witnesses said she appeared “lifeless” at the scene and it took almost 10 minutes for them to find a pulse after her attack. Despite telling the public her condition was stable, sources say she never really improved after her medical emergency. Carrie Fisher was unresponsive after her heart attack until she passed away this morning.
The Star Wars princess was very open about her struggle with drugs and alcoholism throughout her life. The actress was also very open about her struggle with bipolar disorder and was an avid activist for mental health issues. Earlier this year, Fisher was awarded the Annual Outstanding Lifetime Achievement Award in Cultural Humanism from Harvard for all she had done and overcome.
Fisher was on a tour promoting her new book, The Princess Diarest, the memoirs of her time on the Star Wars set. Aside from playing Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher was an accomplished author and voice actor for Dishonored and several Star Wars titles. She is also known for her roles in The Blues Brothers, When Harry Met Sally, and Shampoo.
Fisher is survived by her daughter Billie Lourd, her mother, Debbie Reynolds; and her brother, Todd Fisher.