Update Hotfix 2.8.2 has arrived for Chivalry 2, and here are the bug fixes and changes regarding the changes that arrived. It’s been only two weeks since we downloaded the previous update, but the developers aren’t slowing down with working on new stuff. Like the previous one, today’s update also focuses on fixing bugs and problems. Chivalry 2 is the series’ best-selling game right now, and it’s a star in its category. That makes every update vital for the fanbase. Here are the patch notes for Chivalry 2 Hotfix 2.8.2 update.
Full Chivalry 2 Hotfix 2.8.2 Update Patch Notes
- Fixed an issue where players would be kicked out of Matchmaking due to “Invalid Join Data”
- Fixed an issue where pressing the VOIP key would cause a stutter
- Fixed an issue where timeout from a server was not being applied after a successful vote kick
- Fixed an issue where Out of Combat zones would shrink dramatically in LTS
- Fixed an issue where the Heavy Cavalry Sword alt overhead hitbox would be offset in first person mode
- Added the Crescent Bat Labrys war axe as a top voted community weapon skin request (by poll)
- Further optimizations made for character textures
- Further crash fixes
- Further security improvements
- Fixed an issue with party leaders incorrectly seeing party members as active after a party member fails to join a match
- Bridgetown
- Stage 1
- Increased base time from 5 to 5.5 minutes
- Stage 1
- Stage 2
- Increase time added for substage completion from 60 to 90 seconds
- Stage 4
- Increased base time from 4 to 5 minutes
- Addressed an exploit where players could use the ballista to fire at the town gate
- General
- Removed peasant sickles
- Optimized textures
- Darkforest
- Fixed an issue where the convoy carts would bounce due to missing road paths
- Galencourt
- Fixed an issue where Mason would be able to blow up the inner city gates before the ending of Stage 2
Still Looking Into
- Ongoing hitches in relation to online services
- Forming a party through native invites can break matchmaking queue buttons
- And more!

We see the general bug fixes in the first paragraph, and then the balancing changes start. There’s a decent amount of changes for a hotfix, no doubt. Today’s update won’t bring differences big as to change the game, but there are a few corrections we’re glad to see. It’s best to download the update and see how the experience is improved. There shouldn’t be a big download for Hotfix 2.8.2.
Chivalry 2 is available on PC, PS4, PS5,