The Lunar New Year brought many astrological movements, such as Taurus with Uranus and the still present energy of Aquarius. Not only will this continue to push forward the plans you have been working on. These movements are opportune to bring about the change you may have been looking for for some time. Although the stars will try to push you to shine like a diamond, today’s Tarot draw shows the four of Cups, so maybe you feel tired and prefer another break soon.
Not long ago, you faced quite a few obstacles before January 20, but a couple of days ago, the Universe saw fit to reward you for your achievements. However, when you feel more ambitious today, you will feel that reward more as a consolation prize. So this and the high sensitivity present during these days could lead you to a state of apathy or that even though you want more, you won’t have the motivation to pursue it right now. This is not the time to be in your comfort zone, which may result from a start of the week at its peak and decrease with the passing of the days. You may already feel tired this Friday, and our next checkpoint, the weekend, is still a step away.
Remember that even though you may feel tired, the backlog has something else in store for you. Think of it as that super outgoing and sociable friend who sometimes gets you to try new things, even if it drags you down. Right now, the planets are pushing for a significant change, making you analyze your place in the world, goals, and relationships. Plus, with the lunar movements, the Universe tells you to take the risk and start something new. If you have been watching the spreads, one topic that remains in the daily Tarot draw is that no matter what happens in your day-to-day life, you will not forget to work on that project you have in mind.
Many of us would like to have a life full of comforts, but the planets prefer to give us those luxuries in the form of “lectures.” There’s no other way other than to put on a brave face during these times. At least it’s Friday, and you are a small step away from another well-deserved rest. Don’t forget to keep those emotions in check, as recommended in yesterday’s Tarot card. There may still be some sensitivity in the environment.