Darkest Dungeon 2 has a variety of Combat Item types, such as the Noxious Item type. These item types help you determine what a Combat Item can be used for, and the general effects it can have. Some Trinket effects are affected by Combat Items (such as the Poison Ring), which is why it’s helpful to understand the item types. A Noxious Item is an uncommon type that appears more often after you unlock some Combat Items, and it isn’t always a damaging item. Knowing what a Noxious Item is will help you identify it when you are exploring different regions.
What Is A Noxious Item?

A Darkest Dungeon 2 Noxious Item is a Combat Item that involves some sort of gaseous effect. It can be something like a Toxic Ichor that lowers your party’s resistances, or an Ichor Bomb that inflicts Blight on other enemies. If you move your cursor over the Combat Item in question, you should see the grey text read as “Noxious”. That’s the indicator that tells you a Combat Item is a Noxious Item.
Noxious Items are just like other Combat Items in Darkest Dungeon 2; they can only be used during combat. If you are using them because a Trinket’s effects demands it, then you only need to equip the Noxious Item. If you run out of charges, the Noxious Item effect won’t apply to the Trinket anymore. Make sure you are aware of your Trinket’s needs, and ensure that your Combat Items are suitable for your needs. Don’t be afraid to switch them out; sometimes a Noxious Item is not necessary for your current situation. Switch it out and then re-equip it to your character when the situation changes.
How To Unlock New Skills in Darkest Dungeon 2
Be careful when using Noxious Items and read their effects. You don’t want to equip them and find out that they don’t affect the right units, or that they don’t have the desired effect. It never hurts to go for an easier Confession if you want to test out your items and party combinations. Combine your skills with Combat Items to maximize your damage on the battlefield. The Plague Doctor and Flagellant go well with any Noxious Items, and you should always consider pairing them with Trinkets that boost Blight.
If in doubt, always err on the side of caution and avoid using those items. It’s best to experiment when you are safe, rather than hope for the best against powerful enemies.