There are over 30 Collectible locations in Chapter 10: End of Days of the Dead Space remake, and you can find them all here. Throughout this guide, you will find everything needed in order to get trophies and achieve 100% completion. However, finding some of these can be pretty tricky, so be sure to pay close attention, as you’ll find everything you need here, including Schematics, Weapons and their upgrades, Logs, Suit Upgrades, Nodes, Side Missions, Marker Fragments, and Chapter-Specific Trophies. Keep reading for a full list of all Dead Space remake Chapter 10: End of Days Collectible locations.

Dead Space: Chapter 10 Collectible Locations
- Benson’s Rig
- Side Mission: You Are Not Authorized
- Through the Crew Deck door and into the Tram Tunnel, under the stairs
- Weapon Upgrade #13
- Pulse Rifle Upgrade: High-Yield Grenades
- From the Atrium, take the elevator to get to Water Purification, inside the first locker
- Node 39
- Back wall in the same room as Weapon Upgrade #13
- Weapon Upgrade #14
- Line Gun Upgrade: Precision Lasers
- Hydroponics station, inside Master Override chest in Hallway that is between the Hydroponics Central Hub and the Mining Tram Station
- Node 40
- Through Flow Center, into Rare Specimens, on the wall
- Node 41
- West Grow Chamber, Floor 2, into Nutrition Systems, to your right
- Log 149
- Side Mission: Working Discreetly
- Trophy: Final Regeneration
- Diagnostic Lab, on the desk
- Weapon Upgrade #15
- Contact Beam Upgrade: Diffraction Module
- Mining Deck, first room
- Using Kinesis, move the boxes to clear a path to Tools Storage, inside Master Override chest
- Weapon Upgrade #16
- Ripper Upgrade: Carbon-Fiber Blades
- Engineering, through Preparation Room, into Machine Shop, Master Override chest
- Weapon Upgrade #17
- Contact Beam Upgrade: Portable Heliotron
- Medical, Main Lab, through back hallway, into Bioprosthetics Locker Room, on workbench
- Weapon Upgrade #18
- Line Gun Upgrade: Photon Energizer
- Chemical Lab, Lab Storage, crate
- Log 150
- The Marker is Active
- Obtained automatically hen you arrive at Crew Deck Tram Station
- Schematics #13
- Advanced Engineering Rig
- Crew Quarters, Standard Bathrooms, on Bench
- Log 151
- Z-Ball Rules
- Cafeteria, on a chair
- Trophy: Z-Baller
- Using your Kinesis, finish 6 levels of Z-Ball
- Grab each ball and throw it into the goal until you’ve collected 220 points
- Node 42
- Cafeteria, Locker 6
- Suit Level 5
- Purchased from the shop for 60,000 Credits
- Node 43
- Through the Mess Hall, at the end of the hallway
- Log 152
- Thank You Doctor
- Standard Quarters, on the bed to the right
- Node 44
- Past Standard Quarters, Storage Room
- Log 153
- Get to the Shuttle
- Automatically obtained as you head into the Deluxe Quarters
- Weapon Upgrade #19
- Force Gun Upgrade: Granitic Amplifier
- Deluxe Quarters, Guest Consultant’s Suites, back room on table
- Trophy
- Whole Again
- Play the recording in the same room
- Weapon Upgrade #20
- Flamethrower Upgrade: High-Pressure Nozzle
- Deluxe Shift Bunks, Master Override chest
- Log 154
- More than Sacrifices
- First room of Executive Quarters, on the floor beneath chairs
- Log 155
- An Investigator’s Guide
- Executive Quarters, on floor next to corpse
- Log 156
- Eternal Rest
- Lt Commander V. Holt’s Room, on a shelf in corner of room
- Log 157
- White’s List
- Second Officer J. Chic’s Room, directly to the left as you enter the room
- Node 45
- Captain B. Mathius’s Rom, on the right wall
- Log 158
- Nexus Orgnaism
- Inquiry Desks
- Log 159
- Mercer is Close
- Automatically obtained after loading the Marker
- Node 46
- Through the doors that open when you load the Marker, on the wall to the left
- Log 160
- Retrieve the Marker
- Automatically obtained after you defeat the Hunter
How to Fix the Comms Array Puzzle in Dead Space Remake
This is everything you need to know about the collectible locations in Chapter 10: End of Days in the Dead Space remake. Be sure to check back for more useful and interesting guides and as always, be safe and have fun!