Title: Deadpool
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Developer: Highmoon Studios
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Third Person Action
Official Site: Deadpool
Release Date: November 18, 2015
Where to Buy: PSN,
I know what you’re thinking, why the red suit? That’s so the bad guys can’t see me bleed. When it comes to this game, one thing is certain. There will be blood. Deadpool actually released on

Deadpool was one of those comic characters that I knew about growing up but never really followed. When the game came out for the
Deadpool is not one of those revolutionary games that redefines a genre. It’s not one that pushes graphics or combat to new places. The game play offered here isn’t anything to boast about either but regardless it still is fun. I had a blast playing Deadpool. The humor and gore were right up my alley. There’s so much you can do with a character that is not only hilarious but can’t die. It one segment I found myself climbing hand over hand up my entrails to cut the other half of my body down. In another I found myself trying to figure out the controls that had been reversed due to a high fall which ended up twisting my head all the way around. I had to chase a dog with these reverse controls to get back my severed arm which the little mutt had taken.

Deadpool plays in the third person perspective, minus two fun segments that play out in the old 2D and FPS style. The combat for the game is a combination of hack n slash and gun play. Starting off Deadpool has access to his signature swords as well as handguns. As you progress through the game you will not only be able to upgrade your weapons but purchase new ones. The more you use certain weapons, the more upgrades become available for it. Upgrades include but are not limited to the ability to carry more ammunition, more firepower and a higher rate of fire. You can also unlock a special ability for each weapon that you can unleash when you’ve gained enough “momentum.”

The humor in Deadpool is top notch. The story begins with Deadpool threatening Highmoon Studios to make “the most awesome game ever.” From there things jump around but several of the X-Men become involved along with Mr. Sinister who becomes the main villain. The story will take around seven to eight hours on normal difficulty. In addition to the story, there is also a “challenge” section. Deadpool will face off against several waves of enemies starting on a bronze tier. If all the enemies are defeated under the time limit, the silver tier becomes available and then it’s on to gold.

As fun as Deadpool is, one of the downsides is the short campaign. If you are not someone who likes “Challenge” levels then this game will have next to no replay-ability for you. Once you complete the main story that’s it. You’ve already experienced the humor and it won’t play out any different by playing through it again. The only thing to really accomplish is getting achievements. Which makes the $49.99 price tag a bit of a turn-off, especially with no kind of multiplayer at all. Unless you have money to spend, this might be a game you want to try and find on Redbox or Gamefly instead of buying.
If you’re excited for the new movie coming out or just a fan of vulgar humor and over the top gore then Deadpool is certainly worth a play through. Like I said previously, this is not a groundbreaking video game. You won’t find breathtaking graphics or revolutionary game play and for me that’s okay. This game is good fun and entertainment and doesn’t try to market itself as anything else. You’ll have some minor frustrations with the combat mechanics here and there but you will crack up at humor and grin as you blast your enemies to bits to the sound of hard rock. Whether you rent or buy, Deadpool is worth a play and he certainly is the Merc with a Mouth.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2WCcRRs3s6c[/embedyt]
- Gameplay: Third person action that’s part shooter, part hack n slash. Nothing ground breaking here and slightly repetitive but it sure is fun.
- Graphics: Uses Unreal Engine 3 and looks decent. Cleaned up from its original release but nothing new.
- Sound: Nolan North brings great voice acting to Deadpool and dispatching enemies to heavy rock is certainly a blast.
- Presentation: This game is entertainment and that’s how it’s presented. If you like over the top violence coupled with witty dialogue and vulgar humor. Deadpool is your guy.