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If you check out the Season of the Wish Triumphs for Week 1 in Destiny 2, you might notice there’s one on there called Familiar Felines that rewards you with an Exotic Ghost Shell. The Triumph requires you to find all the Queen’s visitors, who, in this case, are Starcats. Starcats can be found in hiding places throughout the world, and only a couple of them are available to be found each week. However difficult it is to find them, it’s well worth it in the end. Honestly, the Wyrmguard Shell looks pretty cool, and I wouldn’t mind rocking it.
How To Complete Familiar Felines in Destiny 2

To complete the Familiar Felines Triumph, you must first look around the Dreaming City. You will need to find and give offerings to 14 different Starcats. There’s no telling how many will be released each week, but to begin with, there are two that can be found in the Blind Well and the Garden of Plenty.
Where To Find the Blind Well Starcat

The location in which you must find the Starcat within the Blind Well is pretty obvious. When you first spawn into the Blind Well activity, there is a large door in front of you on the other side of the arena. Directly in front of that door on the ground is where you will find the Blind Well Starcat.

However, getting to it in time before the activity begins can be pretty difficult. Work your way through the activity up until you defeat the final boss, and all the smaller combatants disappear. Then, head over in front of the door and present a gift to it. You will be rewarded with a few items, and the cat will disappear. At this point, you can head back into your Triumphs and collect the Blind Well Starcat Triumph.
Where To Find the Garden of Plenty Starcat

The Garden of Plenty Starcat is just a bit more difficult to find than the Blind Well one, and it might take a few tries to roll the correct portal to get there. First, head into the Riven’s Lair mission. When you reach the first set of portals, be sure to go through the portal to the left, which will take you into the Polysemy mission. If you don’t get to go into the left portal on your first try, keep heading back into Riven’s Lair until you can get into the right location.
After you’re inside the Polysemy mission, you must get to the Garden of Plenty area. This requires you to open up two portals by activating three plates each in a puzzle filled with traps and dangerous caverns. By the time you head through the portal at the end of the second puzzle room, you will be able to run straight out into the Garden of Plenty.

Once you make it out to the main area with all the enemies, skip past the enemies and head straight toward the end of the area. On the left, right before you reach the ending platform, there’s a little gap in the rocks that opens up to a small pool beneath it where you can find the Garden of Plenty Starcat.
Where To Find the Temple of the Queen’s Wrath Starcat

The Temple of the Queen’s Wrath can be found within Riven’s Lair. However, you must be lucky enough to get the correct portal to open up as you make your way into the dangerous territories beyond. Much like how you found the Garden of Plenty Starcat, you must make your way through another of the Riven’s Lair missions.
Head in through the middle portal and use the three plates to enter into the Temple of the Queen’s Wrath. Here, you must defeat the three Wizards and ignite the flames. However, before you move on, turn to your right and head through the archways there. The Starcat will be hidden behind a nearby pillar.
Where To Find the Chamber of Starlight Starcat

The Chamber of Starlight Starcat is a pretty easy one to find. Similar to all the other Lost Sector Starcat locations in Destiny 2, they can each be found near the final chest. Make your way through the Chamber of Starlight Lost Sector within the Dreaming City to completion. Once you’re done, if you look to your right, you will find a table on the right side of the Lost Sector Loot Chest. On that table, you’ll find the Chamber of Starlight Starcat.
Where To Find the Bay of Drowned Wishes Starcat

The Bay of Drowned Wishes Starcat can be found within the Bay of Drowned Wishes Lost Sector in the Dreaming City. Make your way to the end of the Lost Sector, where you can find the Loot Chest. To the right of the Lost Sector Chest, you’ll find the Starcat in question hidden behind one of the Scorn Orbs in the area.
Where To Find the Aphelion’s Rest Starcat

Aphelion’s Rest, much like the last two locations, is a Lost Sector located within the Dreaming City. You must complete the Lost Sector and make it to the very end, where you can find the Lost Sector Loot Chest. Here, though, you might notice there’s a large bowl located behind the chest. Jump back there to find the Starcat within the bowl.
Where To Find the Gnashing Chamber Starcat

The Gnashing Chamber Starcat can be found within the Gnashing Chamber location of the Riven’s Lair or The Coil seasonal activities. In order to get to it, you must gain access to the third portal, which would be the one on the far right. Once you make your way to the Gnashing Chamber, you can find the cat sitting on a table next to a larger cat decoration.
Where to find the Reaver’s Orison Starcat

The Reaver’s Orison Starcat can be found within the Apophasis portion of The Coil or Riven’s Lair. You can find the location in the portal on the far left as you enter into the mission. Alternatively, you can just find it within the Apophasis mission in Week 4 of the Wishing All the Best quest. After you make it into the Reaver’s Orison area, you can find the Starcat hidden on the righthand side of the room, within the roots of the dead tree within the room.
Spine of Keres Starcat Location

During the fifth week of the Season of the Wish, something strange happens. Where you would normally be searching for the Cell of the Sycophant Starcat, there is none, and instead, you can find it within the Spine of Keres in the Dreaming City. However, you won’t see an unlocked triumph to find the Spine of Keres Starcat until after you’ve located it within the Dreaming City. Head inside the Spine of Keres, and head up the stairs to the right. The second opening on the left will reveal the Starcat sitting on a table.
Harbinger’s Seclude Starcat

If you want to find the Harbinger’s Seclude Starcat, then you must venture into the Dreaming City. From the Dreaming City, head up to the Harbinger’s Seclude area, make your way toward the main structure of the area, and find the throne world. There, behind one of the large skulls, you can find the Harbinger’s Seclude Starcat.
Gardens of Esila Starcat

Within the Dreaming City, there will be a few large bridges that you can pass over. When you reach the second bridge, drop down beneath it from the left side and you will find the Starcat sitting on a ledge, overlooking the water.
Confluence Starcat

The Confluence Starcat can be found, well, within the Confluence. Head in through the portal that can be found within the are below the Oracle Engine in a cave. There, you will find the entrance to the Shattered Throne Dungeon, and just in front of it, the Confluence Starcat.
The Astral Cloister Starcat

The 14th, and final Starcat can be found in the Astral Cloister area within Riven’s Lair or The Coil. You’ll need to head into a mission called Chiasmus, and make your way to the large Dreaming City statue on one of the floating platforms.
Destiny 2 is now available on PC,