The story of The Planet of the Apes continues with the latest entry in the franchise, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. Taking place generations after War for the Planet of the Apes, Kingdom follows an ape named Noa (Owen Teague), whose life abruptly changes after meeting a human. As it’s a franchise film, you might be wondering if there’s anything after the credits that sets up a sequel, or ties into any of the previous movies. So, let’s look at Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes, and see if it has a post-credits scene.
Is There a Post-Credits Scene in Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes?
If you need to run off right when the movie ends, you won’t miss much, because Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes does not have a post-credits scene. Once the credits begin to roll there is no extra scene setting up a sequel or a prequel, and there aren’t any funny stingers. However, you’re welcome to watch the credits and see the names of all the hardworking people who brought the film to life. The movie didn’t need a post-credits scene, as it does already set up a future for the franchise quite well.
There could have always been a short clip of the actors performing the motion capture for the apes, considering it’s hard to put a face to the name in this case. At least then we’d have some people to thank for the performances. Although, it might have ruined the illusion for some of the younger people in the audience. With that being said, a blooper reel is always welcome, with any film. Kingdom does run for an impressive 145 minutes, so you might be thankful for the lack of a post-credits scene in the end, especially if you had your fair share of snacks.
Kingdom also includes a dedication to Mana Darville, the son of one of the film’s actors, Eka Darville (Jessica Jones). Mana died in 2023 after a battle with a rare brain cancer. Of course, we’re talking about a movie with talking apes, it’s fair to stay lighthearted. But, it’s more than worth acknowledging the dedication to keep our thoughts with Darville and his family.
Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes releases in theaters on May 10, 2024.