Megalopolis follows an architect named Cesar Catilina who attempts to use a new building material to create a utopian society while toying with his ability to stop time. Written and directed by Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather), the film stars Adam Driver (Star Wars – Episode VIII: The Last Jedi), Nathalie Emmanuel (Game of Thrones), Shia LaBeouf (Transformers), Giancarlo Esposito (Breaking Bad), and Jon Voight (National Treasure). As the film is a return for Coppola, you might be wondering if he takes the opportunity to sneak something extra into the credits. So, let’s take a look at whether or not Megalopolis has a post-credits scene.
Is There a Post-Credits Scene in Megalopolis?
If you were hoping that there was something extra during the credits you will be disappointed, because Megalopolis does not have a post-credits scene. There are no bloopers, stingers, or end-credits scenes. Once the credits begin, you can feel free to leave the theater. The film is over two hours long, so you might want to leave as soon as you can to beat the lines for the bathroom. Of course, you could always wait and watch the names of all the hardworking people who helped make the film.
While there aren’t any post-credits scenes, Megalopolis does contain a special dedication right when the credits begin. The film is dedicated to Coppola’s late wife, with the dedication reading, “For my beloved wife Eleanor.” Eleanor Coppola died in April 2024 at the age of 87. The pair married in 1963 and Eleanor had three children. She worked in the film industry too, directing two narrative films. She also made documentaries about some of the movies that her husband directed, as well as a couple made by her daughter Sofia Coppola (Lost In Translation).
As for a sequel to Megalopolis, that probably depends on whether or not the film does well at the box office. Narratively, there doesn’t seem to be a solid direction a sequel could go, with no post-credits scene teasing a sequel. But if the movie manages to make a profit maybe Coppola will go back to the well. Megalopolis had a budget of around $120 million, so it would assumedly need to make at least that much for a sequel to be in consideration. But, we’ll have to wait and see.
You can watch Megalopolis in theaters from September 27, 2024.