I don’t know about you, but liminal spaces freak me out. If you don’t know what they are, they’re essentially places that feel abandoned or stuck in time, with no one having visited them in many years. These places tend to be huge and seem able to occupy many people. Despite their creepy vibe, one doomsday prepper decided that when the world ends, that’s exactly the kind of place he wants to retreat to.
Reddit user reloadthewords posted a video of a doomsday prepper showing off their $30 million bunker, complete with a bar and pool. The person recording does a great job of showing just how massive the place is. They start at the pool, which has salt water inside to avoid having to use chlorine. Then, they head to the bunker’s bar and food storage area, which is already filled with various canned and non-perishable foods.
After touring the areas that help keep the bunker ventilated, the gentleman showing off the bunker doesn’t discuss whether the area was exclusively for his family or if others would be able to use it in an emergency. Regardless, people see the bunker for exactly what it is,
Liminal hell”
Some commenters note how similar the man’s bunker is to those featured in the Fallout series of games. In fact, the entire bunker feels like it’s meant to lure people in with cool amenities.
fuckin vault tech”
Personally, you wouldn’t catch me dead in a bunker that looks like that. It sounds strange to say out loud, but I would much rather prefer a bunker that actually looks and feels like a bunker over whatever it is that this man has created. I don’t think I’d be able to enjoy floating in a pool, drinking a beer, knowing that the outside world has completely collapsed.