Update 7.34c patch notes have been rolled out for Dota 2. Like the September 2 patch, the latest release mainly addresses bothersome issues that negatively affect the gameplay. These include fixing issues such as where using Armlet could lead to double death bounties and Soul Ring not removing temporary mana at the end of its buff duration. It is important for all folks to take a look at the changes brought by the latest patch before continuing their playthrough. Let’s review the Dota 2 7.34c update patch notes.
Patch Notes for the Dota 2 7.34c Update

- Fixed an issue where using Armlet could lead to double death bounties
- Fixed Soul Ring not removing temporary mana at the end of its buff duration
- Fixed enemy flagbearer sometimes creeps not showing their banners
- Fixed shield rune not being visible on enemy units until they attack or get attacked
- Fixed Ion Shell sometimes not being visible
- Fixed Terrorblade illusions appearing the same as the real Terrorblade
- Fixed buffs like Haste, God’s Strength, and Fire Remnant not showing on the status bar of heroes
- Fixed backdoor protection not being shown as a buff on towers nor the shield icon next to their health
- Fixed the invisibility effect not showing on enemy heroes under a friendly Sentry Ward
- Fixed Haste rune not showing as a buff on the status bar or being shown visually on the hero
- Fixed Pudge Rot being invisible
- Fixed an issue where Rubick stole Death Pact for free when stealing Skeleton Walk from Clinkz
- Fixed Lone Druid’s Spirit Bear counting towards Monkey King’s Jinggu Mastery stacks
- Fixed Lone Druid’s Spirit Bear death counting towards permanent stacks for Axe, Necrophos, Slark, Lion, and Tidehunter
- Fixed Desolator gaining damage when killing Spirit Bear
- Fixed Spirit Bear attacks counting as Hero attacks when attacking Clinkz Skeletons, Lich Ice Spire, Phoenix Supernova, Pugna Nether Ward, Tidehunter Dead in the Water anchor, Undying Tombstone, and Zeus Nimbus.
- Fixed Spirit Bear death refreshing Axe Culling Blade and lowering Windranger Focus Fire cooldown with Level 25 Talent.
- Fixed Lone Druid Spirit Bear displayed as the unit name on the Minimap
- Fixed Tormentor not granting Spirit Bear a Shard if Lone Druid already has one, and not allowing allies to get Tormentor gold bounty if all allies already have the Shard
- Fixed Tormentor particles sometimes show in the fog of war
- Fixed a bug where inventory item icons would sometimes disappear when dragging them
- Fixed a number of items’ ability effects failing to equip in the Armory/Loadout
- Fixed some free event reward items not showing up in the Armory
- Fixed an issue saving the Taunt slot on custom sets
- Fixed the default global light and shadow colors on the Autumn terrain
- Fixed a display-only bug where certain magic resistance and physical resistance percentage values were being incorrectly rounded down a point below their actual values
- Fixed a display-only bug where units with zero health or mana regeneration values would display as negative zero due to network-encoding quantization effects
- Fixed a crash in Workshop Tools
Dota 2 and the 7.34c update are available on PC. If you’re looking for more patch notes, you can check out Patch 7.33d, which was launched some time ago.