This article is over 1 years old and may contain outdated information.
The 7.33b update has launched for Dota 2, and here are the detailed patch notes showcasing what’s coming with this version. This is one of the committee’s most popular MOBA titles and has a regular update schedule increasing the gameplay experience. The game’s latest version is one of them and focuses on some ongoing gameplay-affecting issues, such as resolving an issue with immobile units able to go through Twin Gates. Check out the Dota 2 7.33b update patch notes below.
Patch Notes for the Dota 2 7.33b Update

- Fixed Killing Roshan not giving the team control of enemy Watchers
- Fixed Phylactery not applying damage/slow if a spell is re-applied
- Fixed Phylactery not triggering on spells that would otherwise trigger Spell Absorption
- Fixed Immobile units able to go through Twin Gates
- Fixed Wraith King not applying Aghanim’s Scepter buff to allies if he didn’t die
- Fixed Invoker Aghanim’s shard reducing Meteor cooldown by 15s
- Fixed Fallen Sky counting towards the hero’s Net Worth
- Fixed a crash if a tethered Io enters Undying Tombstone
- Fixed Netherstrike dispelling Spirit Breaker if he has Shard
- Fixed Debuff Immunity negating all damage done to units under False Promise
- Fixed Naga Siren Aghanim’s Scepter ensnare not targeting sleeping/invulnerable units
- Fixed Pugna Nether Ward counting for healing if Pugna has a shard
- Fixed Templar Assassin auto-cast Trap behavior triggering the closest point to the map center instead of the cursor position
- Fixed Dragon Knight not re-applying corrosive/frost breath if target already has damage reduction debuff
- Fixed Some heroes keeping buffs provided by Aghanim’s Scepter when selling the scepter
- Fixed Earth Spirit Level 15 magnetize damage and duration talent not working
- Fixed Riki’s shard not allowing allied Area of Effect spells to go through onto units caught in smoke (Stampede, Chronosphere, etc.)
- Fixed Skeleton King Level 15 Skeleton Damage talent not working
- Fixed Debuff Immunity providing free pathing when hit by forced movement abilities
- Fixed Dawnbreaker Starbreaker stun and slow piercing spell immunity
- Fixed a crash when Grimstroke casts Soulbind and then moves into Fog of War and casts Phantom Embrace
- Fixed Harpoon sharing a cooldown with Forcestaff and Hurricane Pike
- Fixed Dazzle scepter not performing a free attack on the primary target
- Fixed Sand King Level 20 Talent not working
- Fixed Dazzle scepter not being blocked by Linkens Sphere (and not proccing Phylactery)
- Fixed Muerta Gunslinger piercing magic immunity.
- Fixed Riki smoke debuff showing on allies (wasn’t affecting XP)
- Fixed Enchantress having extra damage on Impetus
- Fixed Slark gaining permanent Agility stacks if he killed an ally.
- Fixed Brewmaster Fire Brewing having incorrect damage at levels 2 and 3
- Fixed Dandelion Amulet blocking effects that deal less damage than the minimum
- Fixed Dagon heal not being increased by Heal Amplification
- Fixed Overwhelming Odds not working well when in Duel
- Fixed Oracle’s False Promise ignoring reductions when counting damage
- Fixed Oracle’s Fortune’s End dispelling Fate Edict on enemies
- Fixed Arc Warden Flux Tempest Slow not working and Magic Damage talent not working
- Fixed Bounty Hunter Shadow Walk stun not proccing if he was revealed by Dust of Appearance
- Fixed some cases where a spent shield could result in negative absorbed damage dealing extra damage to the owner.
- Fixed Perseverance not being disassemblable.
- Fixed Lone Druid Spirit created by Muerta’s Parting shot summoning a permanent Spirit Bear Spirit when he has the scepter
- Fixed Supernova created by Phoenix during Muerta’s Parting Shot, stunning Phoenix when destroyed.
- Fixed Megameepo and Fling being stealable by Rubick
- Fixed Glimmer Cape invisibility and move speed being removed when the barrier was broken
- Fixed double Harpoon attack speed retaining when selling one of the Harpoons
- Fixed Meepo duplicating runes with bottles in inventory and neutral item slots.
- Fixed crash relating to Necrophos Death Seeker and Lotus Orb and Soulbound enemies
- Fixed Wind Waker active not dispelling the target
- Fixed North Roshan pit not blocking ward placement
- Fixed Universal heroes not appearing in the Unit Specific Hotkeys UI
- Fixed Underlord not starting to channel his Fiends Gate when cast
- Fixed Ward Dispenser numbers misaligned
- Fixed a multitude of tooltips
Dota 2 and the 7.33b update are available on PC.