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The Gracious Hand is a church in the Vernworth’s Slums area, where Abbess Elena heads the institution. The charitable church helps out the poor and the sick for free, and many Slums residents went there for treatment. But as one who plays too many JRPGs, something’s bound to be going on in the back door, and unsavory rumors are swirling about the church anyway. Investigating what’s truly going on in this charity work will start the “Saint of the Slums” sidequest in Dragon’s Dogma 2.
How To Start “Saint of the Slums” Quest in Dragon’s Dogma

You can trigger this quest once you’ve arrived at the Slums part of Vernworth. There, The Gracious Hand abbess Elena will be arguing with Vlasiy, whose son is sick, and her treatment isn’t making him any better. Talk with Elena, and she will ask you to run an errand to collect medicinal items.
In case you didn’t see Elena and Vlasiy, try completing at least one side-quest related to The Gracious Hand. Such as “The Gift of Giving” or “The Heel of History.”
“Saint of the Slums” Dragon’s Dogma 2 Quest Objectives
Collecting Miasmite for Elena

For the first part of this sidequest, you’ll need to grab three Miasmites which drop from Phantom enemies. They appear like pale spirits flying around all over Vermund during the night; finding them shouldn’t be too hard.
Hand over the Miasmites, and Elena will let you take a look around the Gracious Hand. However, one of her patients, Lubomir, will tell you something sinister. He and a nun named Lottie hear some noises from the building’s basement, and he wants you to investigate. It seems Vlasiy is on to something after all.
If Lottie didn’t come to you, don’t worry; you only have to speak with Lubomir to progress on this quest. But, in case Lubomir also didn’t disclose the issue, try skipping one in-game day and talk with him again.
Investigating The Gracious Hand Basement and Collecting the Evidence

Now, to get into the basement, you’ll have to wait until nighttime, as that’s the only time it’s unlocked. Skipping time of day can be done at the Walter’s Tavern, or you can do other sidequests in the meantime. Once the sun is set and it’s dark, it’s time for some sleuthing.
Keep going deep into the basement, passing a large sick room with patients on some beds. Go into the curtain-covered doorway, and you’ll reach the doctor’s office, so to speak. Ignore the something’s-obviously-not-right bucket of blood and pick up these two crucial pieces of evidence instead:
- Unlabeled Medicine on the desk.
- Records of Treatment from the bookshelf.
Head upstairs and speak with Lubomir again. This time, you’ll have to ensure what’s inside the Medicine and have a chat with former patients in the records.
Gathering the Proof of Wrongdoings

To learn about the Unlabeled Medicine, you’ll have to deliver the item to Doctor Radcliff who tried to treat Lubomir’s sickness. Radcliff is located in the north of Checkpoint Rest Town, west of Vermund; get there quickly by riding the Oxcart at Vermund’s North-Western exit. Just follow the waypoint and you should get there. Once you hand over the Medicine, Radcliff will ask you to wait for one in-game day. Afterward, he’ll tell you everything he knows about it, and it ain’t pretty.
Meanwhile, the former patients of The Gracious Hand, Jehan, and Bruno, aren’t far from Walter’s Tavern. Speak with them to get their testimonies; they should be resting around the fire during the night. In the daytime, Bruno could be wandering around the Slums, so we suggest you do this at nightfall. Bruno will add that there’s something really suspicious about Elena and point you to a location.
Follow the waypoint towards the Common Quarter’s courtyard, on the top right corner of the area. If it’s still nighttime, you’ll witness Abbess Elena meeting a seemingly unsavory person. Head back to Lubomir and tell him everything you just saw and heard. Since he has alerted the guards about the whole thing, the moment to arrest this wolf in lamb clothing has come.
Arresting the Abbess and Completing “Saint of the Slums” in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Skip another one in-game day and return to The Gracious Hand. Lubomir is gone, but Lottie knows where he is: in the basement. Get down there and grab Elena by the door by pressing R2, RT, or the E key. After a cutscene, you’ll be standing near the Vernworth gaol and rewarded 1,600 EXP and 11,000 Gold for all the trouble.
However, keep in mind that you should not arrest her before collecting and investigating all the evidence. Doing so will complete the quest, but the town guards will say that there’s not enough evidence and you cannot redo the quest!
Dragon’s Dogma 2 Starter GuideIs There a Hidden Post-Quest Outcome?
The Dragon’s Dogma 2 “Saint of the Slums” quest isn’t completely over yet, though. Before you head out for another adventure, check up on Lubomir in The Gracious Hand basement and talk to Lottie. Afterward, quickly pay Radcliff 3,000 Gold at Check Point Rest Town for the proper medicine. Rush back to The Gracious Hand, and Lubomir will be healed, but Radcliff decides to take over the church.
Otherwise, Lubomir will be dead and un-revivable, with his body not appearing at the Morgue and Radcliff staying at Check Point Rest. This will also happen if you take too long to give the sick old man the medicine.
To recap, here’s how you start and complete Dragon’s Dogma 2 “Saint of the Slums” quest:
- Go to the Vernworth’s Slums.
- Give three Miasmites from Phantom enemies to Elena.
- Speak to Lubomir inside The Gracious Hand.
- Go to the church’s basement at night.
- Grab the Unlabeled Medicine and Records of Treatment items.
- Deliver the Unlabeled Medicine to Radcliff at Checkpoint Rest Town, then wait for a day before talking to him again.
- Speak with Jehan and Bruno over at Vernworth’s Slums.
- Wait until nighttime and head to the Vernworth’s Common Quarter’s courtyard.
- Skip another one in-game day, head to The Gracious Hand’s basement, and arrest Elena.
- Check up on Lubomir at the basement, speak to Lottie, pay Radcliff 3,000 Gold, and head back to the church.