Phil Spencer the boss of
Crackdown, Quantum Break & Scalebound are big first party and
Having a jam-packed lineup of games to show at E3 means that there simply isn’t enough time to give each of our upcoming titles its well-deserved time in the spotlight,” Phil stated on a Blog post. “We’ve decided to save some of our most eagerly awaited future titles for Gamescom in August. Rest assured that titles like Crackdown, Quantum Break and Scalebound will be front and center at Gamescom along with new game reveals for both
Xbox One and Windows 10.”
Scalebound was first announced at E3 2014 and we haven’t seen or heard anything since, but with a rumored release date of next year, it would make sense to talk more about it after all this years big reveals at E3. Quantem Break and Crackdown are also set for a 2016 release date, so more details will be eagerly anticipated during Microsoft’s Gamescon conference in August.
So what will Microsoft talk about at E3? Halo 5 will have massive presence during the conference, but the long rumored Gears of War remaster could feature along with Rare’s long anticipated game. We are also predicting Fable Legends, Forza 6 & Rise of The Tomb Raider to have a huge presence, and all to be released this year.
What do you want to see from Microsoft this E3? Let us know what you want in the comments bellow. Keep it here at The Nerd Stash for all the latest from E3.