Huge news for Gears of War fans. We get our first official details about the Gears of War Ultimate Edition, 10 years ago the original Gears of War was shown to the world at E3 a truly amazing game that remained exclusive to the
You can play the open beta available today on
If that wasn’t enough to get you hype for Gears of War they then Officially announced Gears of War 4.
Not only was this game amazingly beautiful it was incredibly tense following JD a male Cog and a female counterpart named Kate as they walk through an abandoned town at night.

Enter huge storms in the back ground, creepy organic pods, a horrible looking fleeing enemy all leading to a courtyard skirmish against multiple enemies.

Then we have it. GEARS OF WAR 4.
I said to my fellow Nerds they’d end with the biggest rumour of all, and
Are you excited for these new and remastered titles?
Will we have a surprise visit from Marcus Fenix?
Only time can truly tell.
Leave your thoughts and comments below.