Immediately following the fantastic re-unveiling of Team ICO’s The Last Guardian, Sony kept the bombshells dropping with a new title from Guerrilla Games, the maker of the Killzone franchise. Titled Horizon Zero Dawn, the game seems to feature a mix between futuristic monsters and prehistoric, tribal humans. After an impressive CG trailer, the presentation switched to a gorgeous real-time demo, where a red-haired female took on a robotic dinosaur with a bow and arrow, followed by a bayonet finisher.

The game bears a striking resemblance to the recent Tomb Raider title, with a female protagonist and a signature bow. Also of note, the game’s embrace of futuristic and prehistoric elements calls to mind the new Wii U Legend of Zelda title (which just so happens will be skipping E3 this year). Hopefully, Horizon Zero Dawn will fill a needed gap in Sony’s lineup, considering Rise of the Tomb Raider‘s timed exclusivity on
What do you guys think? Was Horizon Zero Dawn enough to pick your jaw off the ground from The Last Guardian? Sound off in the comments below!
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