After years of silence, the reveal of Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Siege and Terrohunt thrills at E3. As someone unfamiliar with the previous games, my experience was no different: Chilling and thrilling. The game simply looks stellar.
Renowned for its difficulty, the gameplay shown in the live demo highlighted a beautiful attention to detail and fluidity. At one point, while scaling a building, a player was able to tilt his scope as he leaned, flip upside-down to peer into a window, and take down an enemy with a cheeky headshot. As if that’s not enough, the spider-web cracking of glass looked beautifully realistic, and the unexpected ability to swing through the window and break that assumed walls-are-permanent logic of video games was almost too much to behold.

And that’s one of the major attractions of this game. The world is destructible. As displayed in the live demo, players can make holes in walls to peep and snipe from their vantage point, defending one another as enemies approach.

Players will need all the coordinated help from teammates and strategizing that they can arrange. If you die, you stay dead in this rapid-fire game. Be prepared. Be prepared to have your pants blown off before you know what happened.
Don’t believe me? Watch the live demo for yourself:
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And here are some stills from the trailer that everyone should see:

Beta begins September 24th, will be available on all platforms, and players will be able to do both PVP and Terrohunt. It releases October 13, 2015. Are you in?