Sony officially closed their E3 press conference with one of the most popular titles in gaming; Uncharted 4, a Thief’s End, from developer Naughty Dog. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End was one of the most anticipated games of Sony’s E3 2015 press conference, so it comes as no surprise that it would conclude the evening.

The trailer shows Nathan, the protagonist throughout the Uncharted series, and his companion Sully, opening the doors to what appears to be a massive European city, remarking “there’s Sams tower” (who, we might be able to assume is Drakes brother). They then make their way to a French-speaking market, where a confrontation erupts.

Sully and Drake then make their way to a jeep, where they continue to avoid various confrontations, in their search for Sam. The jeep continues to make its way towards the tower, dodging bullets, military vehicles, debris, chickens (I think even a cow?) and a construction site.

Drake and Sully eventually run out of road, consequently running out of time and options. Drake then attempts to grab a crane lift from another vehicle on the road above theirs. He is successful, ends up flying over water, continues to dodge more debris until finally (what we can assume) meeting his end by possibly crashing. The trailer ends before we see Drake crash.

The trailer successfully brought us back to the Uncharted world that we are familiar with. It appears that the game mechanics wont change much with the exception of playable vehicles. It will be interesting to see where Naughty Dawgs takes the game, considering Nathan Drake is now a retired treasure hunter, and both Drake and Sully called this “their one last time”.
Uncharted fans will be happy with how the fourth game is shaping up. The game doesn’t seem to stray to far from the original three, so it should (hopefully) be just as successful. Hopefully, there will be more Uncharted games in the future. The game is expected to be released on March of 2016, for Playstation 4.
What did you think of the trailer? Are you an Uncharted fan? Let us know in the comments below and check out the trailer!