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Recore comes from Keiji Inafune, former producer for MegaMan and has a look and feel similar to that of Enslaved: Odyssey To The West, from what we can see from the debut trailer.

The Recore trailer shows off what appears to be the protagonist and her robotic dog-like side-kick. The main antagonists are also robots, and both they and the protagonists side-kick seem to be powered by mysterious orbs.
The player was also able to upgrade their side-kicks body by switching their orb from one robotic body to another. This feature looks like it could be both a core game mechanic and a central plot element, but there is no such confirmation yet.

Footage from the Recore trailer shows the game taking place in a desert setting, but with the addition of vault like structures hidden within the mountains. The end of the trailer shows the protagonist entering a vault, before being targeted by what looks like an even more powerful robot antagonist.
Details on the rest of Recore are scarce, but an initial release date of Spring 2016 has been given. Expect to see more details on Recore emerge during the rest of this weeks E3.