Looks like Hearthstone will be getting some competition soon! Bethesda announced today at their E3 press conference The Elder Scrolls: Legends, a strategy card game heading to PC and iPad later this year.

Although they haven’t released any game play yet, it appears as if there are going to be several different playable races, including Khajit, Orcs, Elves, Nords, and Ghouls. Visually, the game looks stunning, and promising in terms of competition with other popular card games such as Magic the Gathering and Hearthstone.

I am sure we will be hearing more about The Elder Scrolls Legends during E3 this week, so stay tuned for more updates. It will be interesting to see how other mobile card games will react to the news that another game company is entering the card gaming arena.
How excited are you for The Elder Scrolls Legends? Are you excited for E3? How do you think The Elder Scrolls Legends will fare against Hearthstone? Let us know in the comments below!