We haven’t seen the Entourage gang since the show’s season finale back in 2011. Not much has passed for the guys Johnny Drama, Turtle, E, Ari Gold, and Vinnie Chase. The new movie picks up shortly where the last season ended. Vinnie had the second shortest marriage behind Brittany Spears; E and Sloan are broken up again (surprise!); Turtle is super rich from his Avion stock, Johnny Drama’s show gets canceled, and Ari Gold gets out of retirement to be a new studio head (it isn’t said what studio). So much has happened in so little time for the gang and their lives are about to get even more hectic. Yet it comes to no surprise.
The story of the Entourage movie is like your typical episode. The stakes aren’t really that high for everyone because you know they will come out on top (no spoilers besides that). Vinnie is directing his first movie called Hyde with Ari being studio head but is over budget. Ari and Vinnie have to convince the financier for more money to fund the movie. Things though don’t so smoothly for everyone involved who also happens to have their own personal matters to attend to.
The movie is made with the fans in mind. If you haven’t watched the TV show, chances are the jokes will go over you head and you might be lost. Even with the beginning “recap” chances are you will be lost such as the Johnny Bananna’s TV show or why Ari Gold was in retirement.
There are even throwbacks to the show. As in Entourage fashion, expect many celebrity cameos, both playing themselves or playing fictional versions of themselves. Fans will like this, but others will be annoyed for it will feel like it will be shoved down your throats. Same with the outdated references to things like the Blurred Lines music video.

Pacing in Entourage could have been a bit better. The whole movie felt like an overly long episode. It did drag a bit in the middle but fortunately it picks itself up in the end. The performances by the main cast were one of the things that kept the whole movie together.

Overall there really isn’t much to say about the Entourage movie. Entourage isn’t a bad movie, it’s just not a great movie unless you’re a fan of the series.