This article is over 1 years old and may contain outdated information.
Evil Dead: The Game received a new update which is described as Hotfix, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. The latest version, as the name suggests, is not extensive, instead, focuses on minor things. Saber Interactive recommends installing the latest update for a better gaming experience. Check out the Evil Dead: The Game February 8th update patch notes below.
Evil Dead: The Game February 8th Update Patch Notes
- Melee damage no longer increases for Lord Arthur’s active ability.
- Ranged damage no longer increases every time Annie activates her ability.
- Ruby’s passive healing stops working when she’s possessed.
- Ruby’s passive healing heals the correct value.
- Fixed Ed Getley’s ability “It’s a Trap” to deactivate portal traps placed by the Demon.
- Survivors will be unable to shoot off the head of possessed Elite units before they get to 0 HP.
- Fixed when players could not successfully resurrect AI Survivors on altars.
Demons – Evil Dead: The Game February 8th Update Patch Notes
- Fixed Puppeteer’s “Power Possess” ability cooldown.
- The effects of “Puppeteer Master: Damage Done” now disappear after unpossessing a survivor inside Ash or Ruby’s aura.
- The first attack after Special Attack can now damage Basic and Elite Deadites.
- Evil Ash can no longer interrupt stunning animation by dodging.
- Demon won’t be able to set a double trap at the same place on Ye Olde S-Market on the Army of Darkness Map.
- Freezes no longer happen when a player tries to upgrade two characters’ Prestige levels in a row.
- Fixed freezes or crashes when changing party leader.
- Fixed aiming camera being briefly reset after a certain set of movements.
- Fixed issues with Skill Point settings for some players in the Collection.
- Messages showing if a friend is online will disappear from the screen after a while.
- Updated Pit Deadites’ 3D model.
Splatter Royale – Evil Dead: The Game February 8th Update Patch Notes
- Fixed long wait at the end of the lobby countdown.
- Fixed getting disconnected if players have a really slow connection in Splatter Royale.
- Fixed a matchmaking issue where players canceled matchmaking.
- Fixed character physics in Splatter Royale’s Spectator Mode.
- Now all players get into Spectator Mode after dying in Splatter Royale, regardless of if they died in a car, by world enemies, or by the storm.
- Improved the visibility of how other players with fear appear or disappear in the Splatter Royale’s minimap.
- Pickups spawned after killing a player in Splatter Royale mode will have more space between them to make them easier to collect.
- The camera will not shake in spectator mode in Splatter Royale.
- The Splatter Royale kill feed is now fully translated into all languages.
Evil Dead: The Game and the February 8th update are available on PC, PlayStation, and