Ubisoft has revealed big plans for The Division and its post-launch DLC and content. The Beta launches today and fans can now be excited for new (and some free) content on the way.
As the DLC trend continues, three of the announced packs and expansions will be bundled under the game’s Season Pass. Each patch and add-on will include a number of equipment upgrades and gameplay types and modes. While the developers refrained from talking about too many details, they did drop some information on the release order and the names of each expansion:
The first expansion, called “Underground”, lets a squad of four players explore new territory in a post-epidemic New York City underworld. In the second expansion, called “Survival”, players will have to try to survive in a hostile environment that will challenge even the most hardcore Division players. The third and final expansion is (perhaps fittingly) titled “Last Stand”.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjqKMhx1k5w[/embedyt]
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To further incentivize players, The Division will also hand out some perks and exclusive (for now) guns only available if you own the Season Pass at launch. Players will be dealt a sawed-off shotgun, character outfits, and weapon skins. The Division Season Pass is available now as a part of the Gold Edition and Collector’s Edition of the game.
Now onto the FREE stuff Ubisoft has promised. In the blog post, the team says the updates and content will be released as additional content to expand the universe, games modes, and cooperative challenges. Nothing too surprising or amazing for a free update, but hopefully along with the data gathered from the closed beta and patches, these free downloads can really help tweak The Division for the better.
The beta is now live on