Will SEGA’s live service dreams soar like NiGHTS?
Game News
Breaking news, Rumors, and Up to date information from AAA to Indie Games!
“An artifact known to them as the Amplification Rod”
That is quite the ensemble
Adrian Dittman is no longer welcome
What do I do with my life now?
“Will I remember the songs?”
We need more clothing patterns
MW4 Won’t fall for Zombies this time
Why are they teasing wall-running btw?
We’re sure this is a first for a Capcom game
Long live the Emperor
Latest stories
More +“An artifact known to them as the Amplification Rod”
By Amir Naseri
That is quite the ensemble
Adrian Dittman is no longer welcome
What do I do with my life now?
“Will I remember the songs?”
By Amir Naseri
We need more clothing patterns
MW4 Won’t fall for Zombies this time
By Amir Naseri
Why are they teasing wall-running btw?
By Amir Naseri