Title: Fear the Walking Dead “Los Muertos”
Network: AMC
Air Date: August 28th, 2016
Genre: Serial Drama, Horror
When Fear the Walking Dead returned last week with “Grotesque,” I found myself fairly disappointed. You can check out my review for that episode here but much of the episode just didn’t jive with me. Thankfully, this week’s episode “Los Muertos” turned my outlook around some but… I still had some issues. “Los Muertos” still focused on Nick and his time in Colonia. However, we also got to see how Madison, Strand, Alicia and Ofelia are fairing. The episode did show some strong scenes but it’s the dumb ones that seem to be getting viewers like me frustrated and turned away. Last week’s return episode was the lowest watched yet for the series and also showcased what I believe to be two of the most avoidable deaths in Walking Dead history. This week certainly showcased by far one of the dumbest decisions I’ve ever seen.

When it comes to Fear the Walking Dead, the world has ended for awhile now. All of our characters have seen horrible things and are knowledgeable to the way the world is now. It’s about survival. Keep your head low, scavenge and avoid the dead. You do not avoid the dead by getting drunk in an abandoned hotel bar and pounding on piano keys like a three year old baby. Strand is one of the characters I like the most and he knows he kicked in the barricaded door and didn’t board it back up. You left an opening right there. Not to mention you’re standing in a lobby with wide open windows. You’re in a hotel at the edge of an enormous city. It was a moment where I wanted to reach into the TV to choke a character. It’s as if these characters know they’re on a television show and they need to create drama.

Now don’t get me wrong, I make plenty of bad decisions when it comes to drinking. I once convinced myself I could sing “Rolling in the Deep” during karaoke night at a local bar. To this day I don’t think I’m allowed back in. Despite that mistake, I am quite confident I would not play the piano… in a world of the undead… in an unknown hotel lobby… while drunk.
My only other issue here was what the residents of Colonia refer to as… the Wall. Do you remember back in the Walking Dead during the group’s time at the prison? The Walkers building up against the fence line became a huge concern, to the point where the group had to start going out at night so the walkers wouldn’t get all riled up. Jump to Fear the Walking Dead and now the residents of Colonia seem to use them as… protection. A small chain link fence is in place and the infected seem to have zero interest in the residents just on the other side. I don’t understand that at all. And I will definitely say that if the show-runners are aiming to create a more human side to the infected… I will not be a fan.
I know I’m going for a cheap pop here (pro wrestling term) but definitely check out our review for the Netflix Original Series “Stranger Things” if you haven’t already.
When it comes to Nick stealing from the gang, it was a pretty cool scene how he talked his way out of the situation. Not only did Nick negotiate out of getting his hand chopped off but he got the group another cart of water. Now, while I did enjoy this scene… again it was pretty stupid from a practical sense. The deal with this gang is that you can take whatever fits in your one shopping cart. Are you going to tell me a small Hostess pack wouldn’t fit somewhere in that cart? Luciana tells Nick, “Only what we need” and doesn’t allow him to put it in the cart. Couldn’t Nick have just explained in that moment the reason why he wanted it? It’s not as if they were in a rush or they would have had to sacrifice an entire water for one Hostess pack. The whole confrontation could have been avoided, but then I suppose they would have had to go about getting another cart a different way.

A very captivating idea was introduced in this episode of Fear the Walking Dead, one that I have wondered about for sometime. Could someone be bitten but not turn? Alejandro supposedly was bitten by one of the infected and has yet to turn. Nick of course is skeptical when he hears this from Luciana but does end up seeing a severe bite on the shoulder of Alejandro. Is it a big hoax designed to have Alejandro seem like a chosen one from god or is it for real? I’m anxious to see how this angle will be explored in future episodes.
The scenes between Strand and Madison at the bar were enjoyable. Despite the stupid decision they make later, it was a revealing scene into both characters. Madison revealed her deep intention to always protect her kids even if it means lying to them. In turn Strand described himself as a “seducer of people,” even telling Madison he would have hit on her just for the joy of it. Alicia is becoming much more hardened to her world while Ofelia is essentially losing hope. The moment where Ofelia sees one of the infected that had hung himself was an emotional one for her.

Alicia has the mindset now that one has to survive. That’s what matters. Ofelia has lost her entire family by this point… so why even bother surviving? In her mind, you can only “survive” so long. Ultimately she ends up disappearing while Alicia is in the shower. More time will certainly be spent with the group in the hotel as it seems people… or someone… is still there given that the doors are all marked that contain infected. Chris and Travis remained absent this episode but I’m confident they’ll show up in the next one. Why? Well… I’ve already seen it.
What did you think of tonight’s Fear the Walking Dead? Are these characters making some ridiculous decisions or is it just me being too critical? Be sure to let us know in the comments below and check back next Sunday for our review of the all new episode. If zombies are your thing, be sure to check out the plot details for upcoming Resident Evil 7.