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Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis is the FF7 remake made for mobile devices. As smartphone gamers are already familiar with, mobile RPG weapons and characters are often split between tiers. These rankings are made depending on each unit’s capabilities in combat. Do you want to know if fan-favorite units like Cloud or series newcomers such as Glenn are worth it for your party? Let’s take a look at the complete tier list of each Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis playable character below.
Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis: Character List and Their Tier

Currently, Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis features ten different playable characters for your party. From classics like Cloud Strife and Tifa Lockhart to newcomers such as Glenn Lodbrock and Lucia Lin:
- Aerith Gainsborough
- Barrett Wallace
- Cloud Strife
- Glenn Lodbrock
- Lucia Lin
- Matt Winsord
- Red XIII
- Sephiroth
- Tifa Lockhart
- Zack Fair
Now, let’s divide them into tiers based on their maximum potential and capabilities. Do note though that any party composition can tackle most content available in the game. The Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis character tier list listed below is only for min-maxing purposes.
Tier | Characters |
S | Aerith Gainsborough (Support) Cloud Strife (DPS) Lucia Lin (Support) Sephiroth (DPS) |
A | Matt Winsword (Support/Sub-DPS) Red XIII (Support) Tifa Lockhart (Sub-DPS) Zack Fair (DPS) |
B | Barrett Wallace (DPS) Glenn Lodbrock (DPS/Sub-DPS) |
Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis: Character Tier List Explanation

DPS/Sub-DPS Character Tier List Explanation
- Cloud Strife: Your best option for Main DPS. You will want to equip him with Murasame for Electric, Maritime Sword for Water, or Zidane’s Sword for raw damage. Even a fully upgraded Buster Sword, basically a free five-star weapon, can be used to blast through the game’s story. Not to mention that Cloud’s Limit Breaks are extremely strong, making him worthy to sit on S-tier in the FF7 Ever Crisis character list. Murasame Battlegarb, Maritime Sailor, and Battlefiend Garb are good options for his Gear.
- Sephiroth: The young version of the One-Winged Angel is your best Ice Magic DPS unit. Edged Wings + Aonibi are pretty much your best bet for maximizing his elemental attack. For semi-support, use Kuja’s Spirit Blade. In terms of Gear, either go with Edged Wings Training Garb or Aeroglider for an additional attack boost.
- Tifa Lockhart: If you need a single-target DPS, then make sure to put her on your team. While she’s not as deadly as Cloud, Tifa’s Somersault fills up fast and reduces the enemy’s Physical and Magic defense. Arm her with Leather Gloves, Tiger Fangs, Motor Drive, or Kaiser Knuckles to see her melt through bosses and tough targets. Give the Metalfoot or Amarant’s Guise Gear to her.
- Glenn Lodbrock: One of the new characters added to FF7 Ever Crisis. Glenn is all about dealing raw damage and it’s pretty much all he can do. Blazing Onslaught and Stage of Defeat Limit Breaks hit like a truck. Pumpkin Lamppost, Apology In Hell, and Crewkicker suit him the best. Give Glenn Hardcore Squad if you want to buff his defense. Use Cake Breaker to boost Magic attack, Pumpkinmare for Physical, or Doom Dodger for a tankier build.
- Zack Fair: The SOLDIER poster-boy is pretty tough on his own, but still eclipsed by the game’s main hero. He mostly works as a tank, soaking damage and being a decent all-rounder. Nevertheless, that means he is a “Zack-of-all-trade” and a master of none. He works best with Black Whiskers, Falchion + Cutlass, or Arc Sword + Crystal Sword (Z). Use Valiant Suit for Magic attack, Black Hound for Physical, or Tropical Beach for defense as his Gear.
- Barret Wallace: The Avalanche’s leader has decent AOE and Elemental attacks. However, in this Final Fantasy 7 Ever Crisis character tier list, he’s a B-tier since his Limit Breaks build up too slowly. Give Barrett Heavy Hauser or W Machine to maximize his damage potential. For Gear give him Scrap Armor.
Support Character Explanation
- Aerith Gainsborough: Just like in the main FF7 title, Aerith is your best healer character in the Ever Crisis tier list. All thanks to her capabilities and the Healing Wind Limit Break. For weapons, you will want Fairy Tale and Sun Umbrella. Mithril Rod can also work to buff her defenses. Sunny Robe or Garnet’s Gown is the best healing Gear for her.
- Lucia Lin: Lucia jumps up through the Ever Crisis December 2023 character tier list thanks to the Bald Eagle rifle. She’s a great single-target DPS that can Silence and Ice-debuff enemies. For Gear, go with Black Stealth for a physical boost or Holiday Coat for magic.
- Matt Winsword: This newcomer works great as both defensive and offensive support. He can heal but is also armed with good Magic and Physical attacks. Give him Prime Number, Slick Beetle, or Broadsword: Axis and Killer Hornet. As an additional note, once Overboosted, both Prime Number and Fairy Tale have the same healing percentage. Go with Elite Uniform for Gear.
- Red XIII: The best thing about Red is his Limit Breaks build up fast. Lunatic High is a pretty decent party-wide buff to be used. Equip Nanaki with the Seaside Collar for Electric or Rage Collar for one of the best Fire weapons. Seaside Aloha is a good option for Gear.