When Square Enix announced that they were finally remaking Final Fantasy VII at E3 a few years ago fans of the game were overjoyed at the announcement. Finally, old and new fans of the series and game could play as Cloud and company as they take on Sephiroth in glorious HD. Suddenly, the Final Fantasy VII Remake was being watched carefully by fans.

Square Enix made an announcement that the Final Fantasy VII Remake would be an episodic release, but there was confusion as to whether or not that meant it would be in multiple missions like in Final Fantasy X-2 or whether it would be released piece by piece. Square Enix has finally clarified what they meant.
Square Enix revealed that the Final Fantasy VII Remake is going to be released in multiple chapters, much like Final Fantasy XIII was. Many don’t feel that Final Fantasy XIII is a good role model as the series wasn’t very well received. Having to purchase the Final Fantasy VII Remake in multiple installments sounds like it could be good, or it could be Square Enix cashing in on a game they know will sell and make them a large profit margin. Either way, it will be difficult to tell until the first game’s release.

How do you feel about this announcement? Are you thrilled to spend even more time with Cloud and friends as they save Gaia from the likes of Sephiroth? Or are you going to stick to the original and all of its blocky goodness? Let us know in the comments below.