It was the remake fans always wanted, but never thought would happen. People can be quite cynical about remakes; as with movie remakes, game remakes are generally seen as lazy. After all, why not come up with a new game rather than just slapping a graphical upgrade on an old one? That being said, if a remake does happen to change things, the fans tend to go berserk if there is any significant change to gameplay. Final Fantasy VII’s remake will definitely anger the latter variety of fans if the new trailer is anything to go by.
In the original Final Fantasy VII, the battles were more or less turn based. It utilised the ‘Active Time Battle System’. This basically boiled down to turn based mechanics, but the enemy didn’t have to wait their turn to attack you. An attack would cause a gauge to refill and when it did, the character could attack again. This meant that an enemy could attack you while you were in the middle of selecting an attack.
Looking at the trailer, it would appear that they’ve decided to base the remake’s battle system on Final Fantasy XV’s battle system. I suppose that we can thank heaven for small miracles that they didn’t decide to go with Final Fantasy XIII’s trainwreck of a battle system.
Also, while it goes without saying, the graphics look absolutely amazing. I am aware that the original PlayStation’s blocky graphics aren’t a difficult peak to surpass…

…but wow, does this look good.

Ultimately, a game like Final Fantasy VII is going to anger people no matter how they remake it.
How do you feel about how the game is shaping up? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.