Borderlands 3 fever is in full effect with the game coming out on September 3rd. Despite several scandals that have been plaguing the development and release of the game, everyone is excited. Some fun news that has come out of San Diego Comic-Con about the game is that Borderlands Developer Gearbox opened up a gallery full of the rejected box art for the third installment of the game.
Dubbed The Museum of Meyhem, a member of the message board Resetara was able to get in and take a few pictures of all the artwork that was one display in the museum.
This one, of course, is the picture that they settled on, the pseudo-religious Psycho holding up three fingers, it’s bright and colorful and judging from early trailers it fits the bright, fun chaos of that the series has been known for.
This picture seemed to be a very close second, and it was a funny and clever way to solve the problem with the Psycho’s “two-finger” pose that the game gave itself back with Borderlands 2.
A personal favorite with the simplistic nature of this one. The red on white with the guns coming out of the Psycho mascot perfectly encapsulates what the games have spent years getting across. When you play this game you’ll get access to “gazillions of guns.” Even if there is a chance you’ll have to buy them. But it does kind of commit the cliche sin of using a “3” instead of just using a regular “E”
These are just a few of the highlights, the rest can be found in the message board post, they range from colorful and exciting to drab and simplistic. But all of them capture the mayhem and we’ve all come to love and expect from this series and help get people even more excited about what we are waiting for this fall.
Borderlands 3 is coming September 3rd to PC,