Helping others is commonplace for the Traveler as they continue their journey through Teyvat. This hero has also helped many of the nation’s children, such as Joel, who was waiting for his father to return to Dragonspine Adventurer Camp. Also, little Timmie, whom they helped after scaring all his poor pigeons. The point is that everyone in Genshin Impact can trust the Traveler, like Xiangjun, a girl looking for her grandfather in the world quest The Roaming Abode. For this, the Traveler must head to the land of tea, a sub-area of Chenyu Vale.
How to Complete The Roaming Abode Quest in Genshin Impact
Before starting this quest, you must complete The Threefold Expectations World quest, which will help you unlock Chenyu Vale. To activate the Genshin Impact quest: The Roaming Abode, you have to talk to the NPC Xiangjun and follow these steps to complete it:
1. Head to the river shore near the Teatree Slope Waypoint.
2. To make Xiangjun appear, you must be in the area between 18:00 and 06:00. You will see her on her bamboo boat from one of the river islands.

3. Talk to Xiangjun; she will ask you to look for her grandfather, who went for special water, and she will show you the directions.
4. Follow the path that Xiangjun indicated; using the Yaodie Valley Waypoint will make the journey faster.
5. Look for a tent; it will have a bag you can interact with to read some notes.

6. You should look for a “path” in Yaodie Valley; you can use the Golden Carp to get to the marker faster. Glide to the bottom of the quarry when you see the incense burner on the flying platform.

7. When you defeat the Hilichurls, you will see an explosive slime barrel; when you explode it, you will open a cave entrance.
8. Enter the cave and go to the indicator. There, you will find a pile of books and the following note.

9. Then go to Mt. Xuanlian. You can use the teleport in the area, but the marker is down near the ponds. You will see a cave with a green force field sealing the passage.
10. In order to enter the cave, there are two platforms that you must activate with weight. You can use the Traveler Geo or Zhongli skill to activate one platform and then stand on the second one.

11. Enter the cave; you will trigger a cutscene with Paimon when you go inside. There is also a chest and a figurine for the pond puzzle.
12. Take the water from the pond.
13. Go to Qiaoying Village to talk to Uncle Luo, but he doesn’t know Xiangjun or her grandfather. He only remembers a herbalist looking for a mysterious water, yet he was buried in his garden.

14. Follow Uncle Luo to the herbalist’s garden to spray the water in the pond. After talking with Uncle Luo again, you will finish the mission.

Although Uncle Luo does not remember Xiangjun, this would not be the first or the last time the Traveller would help wandering spirits in Teyvat to rest in peace. Everyone deserves the help of this Genshin Impact hero regardless of their origins, and we hope that little Xiangjun can fulfill the mission that kept her tied to The Roaming Abode.