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Fresh Storage is a refrigerator-esque storage unit in Grounded that prevents raw and cooked food from spoiling. Previous to the introduction of this item, maintaining food freshness proved challenging, requiring players to constantly forage for sustenance or eat their meals soon after cooking them. However, Fresh Storage now removes this inconvenience entirely, allowing players to store up to 20 slots of food in their new fridge. Whether you’ve been a fan of the developer since Fallout: New Vegas or Grounded is your first Obsidian game, that’s great news. Here’s how to build Fresh Storage and keep your food fresh.
Frostbitten Note Location

The blueprint for the Fresh Storage unit becomes available after players discover the Frostbitten Recipe. If you played Grounded a while ago and are just now picking it up again, you may expect to find the Frostbitten Recipe research note in the final lab space after the Undershed area. That changed in Update 1.1, however, which relocated Frostbitten Recipe. You can now find it on a table in the introductory lab of the Undershed. It’s a small QoL fix but an important one to know about, especially if you didn’t realize the note moved.
Building Fresh Storage in Grounded

To build Fresh Storage, survivors will need the following materials: Pinecone Pieces in Grounded ×5, Mint Shards ×5, and Black Ant Parts ×5. Each of these items is a tricky resource and can be quite challenging to obtain without the proper knowledge of their location and obtainment process.
Where to Find Flower Petals in Grounded
Below we’ve included an index of where each item for building Fresh Storage can be found, including details on how the resource can be collected. Note that much of the information provided is based on the findings by Grounded Wiki.
Resource | Location | How To Obtain |
Pinecone Piece | Upper Grasslands |
Mint Shard | Multiple Locations
(Ice Caps Mints) |
Black Ant Part | Trash Heap, the Sandbox, the Picnic Table, and Black Anthill |