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Peter Parker and his first love, Gwen Stacy, are about to get reacquainted in Marvel’s Ultimate Universe. Throughout Hickman’s Ultimate Spider-Man series, a new life for Peter Parker is introduced to readers. In this universe, Parker is happily married to Mary Jane Watson and has two children. Plus, Uncle Ben is alive and well. Now, the upcoming Ultimate Spider-Man #4 will find that Gwen Stacy never met her tragic end. In fact, she is thriving as co-runner of Oscorp Industries and wife to Harry Osborn. When the two married couples go on a double date, anything can happen in this exciting new universe.
Ultimate Gwen Stacy

The cover and preview pages for Ultimate Spider-Man #4 show off a thriving Gwen Stacy. The blonde is laughing over drinks with her husband and the Parkers. While the preview pages do not offer context, the two couples seem to be deeply in discussion over a fancy dinner. According to Marvel, the issue will find the double date going from idle chit-chat to talks on social reformation. The couples discuss exposing the dark corruption that shaped their world. Of course, the wives have no clue that their husbands suit up every night to take on those injustices as Spider-Man and Green Goblin.
This Ultimate version of Gwen Stacy is in a happier place than the one in Marvel’s main timeline. In The Amazing Spider-Man #121 (1973), the Green Goblin kidnaps Gwen Stacy and throws her from a bridge. As Spider-Man shoots a web to catch her, the whiplash of the sudden halt in movement snaps her neck. Her death is one of the few that really stuck within the Marvel Universe. Now, the Ultimate Universe is giving her a chance to live and see how she fits in.
A Whole New Universe
Of course, Ultimate Spider-Man is just one part of Jonathan Hickman’s ever-growing Ultimate Universe. Other series show off a different version of classic Marvel heroes like the X-Men, Iron Man, and Black Panther. The Ultimate versions of the characters feature different backgrounds and storylines. It is a great way to explore the characters under different circumstances and answer any “What ifs” readers may have pondered.
Ultimate Spider-Man #4 and Gwen Stacy are out on 04/24.