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It’s no exaggeration to say Hades 2 had big shoes to fill, as the first game managed to present players with one of the most memorable experiences in recent years. That fact caused many to be apprehensive about its Early Access debut, as although the game looked amazing based on the streams and test feedback, would it be able to truly replicate the flame of Hades? After spending two weeks with it, here are our in-depth Hades 2 hands-on impressions.
Why Change What Works?
In Hades 2, we take on the role of Melinoë, Zagreus’ little sister and the Princess of the Underworld, as she fights to fulfill her life’s mission: Kill Chronos and save both Olympus and her family. Overall, the core of the Hades experience remains here, as you must clear a series of encounters and gather a wide array of different boons as you make your way toward your destination.
The game then builds upon its concepts. For example, when in combat, Melinoë can perform three different kinds of attacks —regular ones, Specials, and Casts— all of which can be enhanced in the form of Omega variants and cost Magick. She can also take the field while accompanied by familiars. The familiars can have many main utilities. While Frinos the frog can occasionally defend you against ranged attacks and improve your health, the cat Toula will increase the health healed by Death Defiance and actively help in battle.

Hades 2 also features a much more in-depth gathering system that allows you to spot different materials and harvestables during your runs. You can also get the latter by growing them. This is one of the cornerstones of the experience, as the materials are used to unlock Incantations and unlock/upgrade your arsenal. The addition also helps add more purpose to your runs, as spotting a needed rare find can feel just as good as defeating a boss.
You can now participate in two distinct runs, one leading to the House of Hades and the other to Mount Olympus, although the latter is still not fully available. Yeah, that means two different bosses, gathering materials, regions, and interactable NPCs. Those looking for more precise challenges can also try their hands at the Chaos Trials. Differently from regular runs, the trials will task you with using certain keepsake + weapon combinations to clear regions.

Although the game features way higher stakes than Zagreus’ journey, Hades 2 has the same narrative style as its predecessor, with many storylines woven meticulously through Melinoë’s. That is paired with how the title takes the first’s already outstanding aesthetic to a new level by featuring more complex portraits and diverse environments. I found the game’s voice acting another standout, courtesy of the performance of all involved. Apart from most of the Gods, the game features a new main cast.
Like the House of Hades, the game allows you to fully explore and enhance The Crossroads (its hub) when in between runs. There, you can perform Incantations to unlock installations within the hub, as well as new features and mechanics. The same affection mechanic seen in the first game is also present here. That allows Melinoë to deepen her bonds with and unlock the storylines of most NPCs by gifting them select items, reaching certain portions of the game, unlocking dialogues, and completing requests.
Players can also take their favorites on outings to either a Hot Springs or a Fishing Pier. I highly recommend that you head to the Springs as soon as possible and with as many characters as you can. Once there, you will be able to see beautiful portraits that are only present during their sequences. Yes, you can romance characters in Hades 2.

Closing Thoughts
Although we cannot give a definite take on it, as the title is still being developed, Hades 2 brings players all they could hope for by improving upon the first game in almost every way. I cannot wait to continue playing and witness how its story will unravel when 1.0 is finally out.
You can play the Early Access version of Hades 2 on PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store.