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In Hades 2, we get to join the Princess of the Underworld and Zagreus’s little sister Melinoë in her quest to kill the titan of Time, Chronos. But as you might expect, doing so is not an easy feat, especially for those who, unlike Melinoë herself, are diving into danger for the first time. To help you start your journey on the right foot and avoid making mistakes, here are 10 tips sure to help you in Hades 2.
10. Be Attentive to Everyone (Yes, Even to Nemesis)

Like in Hades, the main way — apart from taking part in runs, of course — to unlock more about the world in Hades 2 can be done by talking to your allies whenever possible, so don’t ever brush that aside. You can reread dialogue you might have missed by heading to Recent Remarks.
9. Get Death Defiance As Soon as Possible

A must-have for all looking to complete their runs successfully, each instance of Death Defiance will allow Melinoë to survive a killing blow, which can sometimes either inspire a hail-mary attempt to finish an encounter or trigger your run’s second wind. You can unlock Death Defiance by activating the Eternity Arcana Card. The card is the second one on the second roll and will demand 4 Grasp.
8. Make Sure to Farm (A Lot)

In Hades 2, you will need to expend regular resources to unlock new weapons, upgrades, and Incantations (the latter of which will be needed if you want to both unlock everything the game has to offer, as well as advance in its story). The resources can be acquired by either exchanging Bones with the Wretched Broker, harvesting them at The Crossroads, mining/acquiring them while exploring — a feat you can do by either harvesting them or using specific tools/familiars — or by completing encounters. Making farming-focused runs is recommended, so that you can always have a good amount at hand.
7. Pick Your Main Weapon Early On

Although more experienced players or die-hard fans pride themselves on their mastery of every weapon, picking the right one for you and then mastering it is a must for new/intermediate players, as each of them features a signature playstyle and skills. Each weapon will also have unique Daedalus Hammer upgrades. For me, I love using the Sister Blades, which are used by our protagonist in the game’s main art and can work well on both close, personal, and ranged playstyles.
6. Keep an Eye On Your Magick Amount

As a fully-fledged witch, Melinoë’s Magick amount will dictate how often you’ll be able to make use of both enhanced attacks and your Ω cast. The amount will also directly determine when you will be able to use your Lunar Hex — which believe me, is a game-changer. For that, it is key that you keep a close eye on its amount during your runs, especially when rocking cast and Special builds.
5. Give Nectar to All (But Prioritize Your Favorites)

Like her brother, Melinoë can get keepsakes and increase her bond with all of her allies (at first) by gifting them with Nectar. Doing so is a must, as all keepsakes are game-changing in their own way. While the keepsakes given by the gods will increase the chances of meeting them while in the field, as well as the rarity of their boons, those given by your other allies will be more diverse. For example, Odysseus’s Knuckle Bones will allow you to deal massive damage to all bosses at the beginning of their encounter, as well as lower their overall DMG.
4. Map Out Your Build Early

When starting any run in Hades 2, it’s vital that you lay the foundations of your build first. The reason for that lies in how Erebus will not pose much of a challenge once you get used to it. Although there’s no way to say for sure which build will work the best for you, it’s ideal to exit Erebus while in possession of at least one offensive-focused God Boon and one Daedalus Hammer upgrade.
3. Don’t Overlook Stat increases

Although less impressive at first than the Boons given by her allies during either your climbs or descends, increasing Melinoë’s basic stats (in this case her Health and Magick), is essential. You can increase the values by completing encounters, as well as by selecting them among Charon’s wares. You can also get boosts by picking passives from allies or through the effect of certain Arcana Cards.
2. Commit to Your Boons

Getting the right Boons can sometimes prove to be a trump card in Hades 2. But like most things in life and considering both their effects and elements, knowing what works with what is a must. For that, make sure to always keep your core boons in mind when accepting new ones and to tailor your playstyle accordingly and avoid diminishing results.
1. Embrace Defeat (But Do Not Welcome It)

No matter how you look at it, defeat will be your biggest teacher in Hades 2, as any run — no matter its outcome — will have a meaning. But that doesn’t mean you should embrace defeat willingly at every turn, as knowing when to make unpretentious runs will be a key factor here. I advise you to only throw away runs if your boon selection is subpar during Erebus. Also, make sure to try to defeat Hecate on every run during the early game, as doing so will unlock some vital items/Incantations.
You can currently play Hades 2 on PC, via both Steam and the Epic Games Store.