Although Zagreus is by himself escaping from the Underworld, that doesn’t mean that his extended family on Mt. Olympus won’t help. From the moment you enter, you’ll have the likes of Athena, Poseidon, and more helping you on your adventure. To make your runs just a bit faster, we wrote out a boon tier list for every boon in Hades.
Hades Boon Tier List
Image Source: Supergiant Games via The Nerd Stash
After nearly 300 hours in the game, we listed all of the best boons in Hades within a boon tier list above. We understand that both Hermes and Chaos’ boons are different than the others. We also listed how we rank them in the same list as the others. A better explanation for why we ranked each one the way that we did can be found in each category below.
After several dives into the Underworld, we feel that Poseidon and Hermes offer the best boons in the Hades tier list. Whenever we did a run, we pretty much knew we would succeed if we had both Boiling Point and Poseidon’s Aid. When paired with the speed of Hermes’ boons, Hades is practically a walk in the park. We paired Hermes’ Greater Haste and Swift Strike more times than we can count. More specifically, their best boons in Hades are:
Boiling Point
Poseidon’s Aid
Greater Haste
Swift Strike
Tempest Strike
Your Attack deals more damage and knocks foes away.
Tempest Flourish
Your Special deals more damage and knocks foes away.
Flood Shot
Your Cast damages foes in an area and knocks them away.
Flood Flare
Your Cast damages foes around you and knocks them away.
Tidal Dash
Your Dash damages foes in an area and knocks them away.
Poseidon’s Aid
Your Call makes you surge into foes while Impervious for a few seconds.
Typhoon’s Fury
You deal more damage when slamming foes into barriers.
Hydraulic Might
Your Attack and Special are stronger the first few seconds of an Encounter.
Ocean’s Bounty
Any Gems, Darkness or Obol chamber rewards are worth more.
Sunken Treasure
Gain an assortment of Gems, Darkness, Obol, and health.
Razor Shoals
Using knock-away effects also Rupture foes.
Boiling Point
Your God Gauge charges faster when you take damage.
Breaking Wave
Slamming foes into walls or corners creates a watery blast in the area.
Wave Pounding
Your boons with Knock-Away effects deal bonus damage to bosses.
Rip Current
Your Call pulls in foes and the effect lasts longer.
Huge Catch
You have a greater chance to find Fishing Point in each Chamber.
Second Wave
Your knock-away effects shove foes a second time after the first.
Swift Strike
Your Attack is +X% faster.
Swift Flourish
Your Special is +X% faster.
Flurry Cast
Your Cast is +X% faster and fully automatic.
Quick Favor
Your Call charges up automatically.
Hyper Sprint
For X seconds after you Dash, become Sturdy and run +100% faster.
Greater Haste
You move X% faster.
Quick Recovery
After you take damage, quickly Dash to recover up to X% health lost.
Greater Evasion
You have +X% chance to Dodge.
Greatest Reflex
You can Dash +X more time(s) in a row.
Second Wind
After using Call, gain Dodge chance and move speed for 10 Sec.
Quick Reload
Foes drop ammo stuck in them faster.
Side Hustle
Each time you enter a Chamber, gain a bit of wealth.
Rush Delivery
You deal bonus damage based on any bonus move speed.
Auto Reload
You regenerate ammo faster.
Greater Recall
Your ammo automatically return to you.
Bad News
Your cast deals more damage to foes without ammo on them. First shot damage: +50%
Ares’ boons are very popular with us as they do a lot of post-damage via Doom. Doom leaves a temporary portal on the floor that deals damage. Considering that, we use Battle Rage to help make fights easier and Blood Frenzy. When paired with the potentially stacking boons from Chaos and Athena’s strength, runs are a piece of cake. Chaos’ boons can all stack, unlike the other Gods. You also cannot upgrade their boons the way you can others.
It’s also important to know that Chaos’ boons come in two parts: Curses and Blessings. The Curses are temporary obstacles you need to overcome which then unlocks the permanent Blessing for that run. The best boons in Hades for these three are:
Battle Rage
Blood Frenzy
Divine Strike
Last Stand
Curse of Agony
Your Attack inflicts Doom.
Curse of Pain
Your Special inflicts Doom.
Slicing Shot
Your Cast sends a Blade Rift hurling ahead.
Slicing Flare
Your Cast sends a large Blade Rift hurling ahead for a brief time.
Blade Dash
Your Dash creates a Blade Rift where you started.
Ares’ Aid
Your Call turns you into an Impervious Blade Rift for a short time.
Curse of Vengeance
After you take damage, inflict Doom on surrounding foes.
Urge to Kill
Your Attack, Special, and Cast deal more damage.
Battle Rage
After slaying a foe, your next Attack or Special deals more damage.
Blood Frenzy
After using Death Defiance, deal more damage that encounter.
Black Metal
Your Blade Rift powers deal damage in a wider area.
Engulfing Vortex
Your Blade Rift effects last longer and pull foes in.
Dire Misfortune
Your Doom effects deal more damage when applied multiple times.
Impending Doom
Your Doom effects deal more damage, after a slightly longer time.
Vicious Cycle
Your Blade Rift effects deal more damage for each consecutive hit.
Any Obol you find is worth +X%.
You deal +X% damage striking foes from behind.
You deal +X% damage striking undamaged foes.
Any Gems and Darkness you find are worth +X%.
Boons have +X% chance to be Rare or better.
Your Special deals +X% damage.
Gain +X ammo.
Your Dash Attack deals +X% damage.
Your Cast deals +X% damage.
Gain +X extra HP.
Your Attack deals +X% damage.
You have +1 use of Death Defiance (this escape attempt).
For the next 3–4 encounters, you take +300%–500% damage from traps.
For the next 3–4 encounters, each time you Cast, get hit for 3–5 health.
For the next 3-4 encounters, your Life Total is reduced by 25–49 health.
For the next 3–4 encounters, slain foes toss an Inferno-Bomb at you.
For the next 4–5 chambers, chamber reward previews are hidden.
For the next 3–4 encounters, you take +20%–50% damage.
For the next 3–4 encounters, each time you Special, get hit for 3–5 health.
For the next 3–4 encounters, your Dash has -20%–50% reduced range.
For the next 3–4 encounters, each time you Attack, get hit for 3–5 health.
For the next 3–4 encounters, you cannot earn Obol.
For the next 3–4 encounters, you face +30%–80% more foes.
For the next 3–4 encounters, you cannot collect ammo for 10–15 seconds.
For the next 3–4 encounters, you have -40%–-60% move speed.
Divine Strike
Your Attack is stronger, and can Deflect.
Divine Flourish
Your Special is stronger, and can Deflect.
Phalanx Shot
Your Cast damages foes in a small area, and can Deflect.
Phalanx Flare
Your Cast damages foes around you, and can Deflect.
Divine Dash
Your Dash deals damage and can Deflect.
Athena’s Aid
Your Call briefly makes you Invulnerable and Deflect all attacks.
Holy Shield
After you take damage, damage nearby foes and briefly Deflect.
Bronze Skin
Resist damage from foes’ attacks.
Sure Footing
Resist damage from Traps.
Proud Bearing
You begin each Encounter with your God Gauge partly full.
Blinding Flash
Your abilities that can Deflect also make foes Exposed.
Brilliant Riposte
When you Deflect attacks, they deal more damage.
Deathless Stand
Death Defiance makes you Impervious longer. Replenish a charge immediately.
Last Stand
Death Defiance restores more health than usual. Replenish a charge immediately.
Much like Ares’ Doom, Dionysus can inflict Hangover. We feel that Hangover isn’t as powerful as Doom, which is why we put Dionysus in the B-Tier of our Hades boon tier list. However, we really enjoy having Strong Drink in our arsenal when we’re low on health. When it comes to Zeus, we’re fans of the chain-lightning attacks. More specifically, the best boons in Hades for Poseidon and Zeus are:
Strong Drink
Numbing Sensation
Zeus’ Aid
Clouded Judgement
Drunken Strike
Your Attack inflicts Hangover.
Drunken Flourish
Your Special inflicts Hangover.
Trippy Shot
Your Cast lobs a projectile that bursts into Festive Fog.
Trippy Flare
Your Cast damages foes around you, leaving behind Festive Fog.
Drunken Dash
Your Dash inflicts foes near you with Hangover.
Dionysus’ Aid
Your Call inflicts Hangover to foes all around you for a few seconds.
After Party
If your health is low after Encounters, restore to the threshold.
Positive Outlook
Take less damage while at low health.
Premium Vintage
Gain health when you pick up Nectar. Receive a Nectar now.
Strong Drink
Using a Fountain restores all health and gives you bonus damage.
Bad Influence
Deal more damage while multiple foes are Hangover-afflicted.
Numbing Sensation
Your Hangover effects also make foes move slower.
Peer Pressure
Hangover-afflicted foes contaminate other nearby foes.
High Tolerance
Take less damage while standing in Festive Fog.
Black Out
Hangover-afflicted foes take bonus damage in Festive Fog.
Lightning Strike
Your Attack emits chain-lightning when you damage a foe.
Thunder Flourish
Your Special causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foes.
Electric Shot
Your Cast is a burst of chain lighting that bounces between foes.
Thunder Flare
Your Cast causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foes.
Thunder Dash
Your Dash causes a lightning bolt to strike nearby foes.
Zeus’ Aid
Your Call makes lightning strike nearby foes repeatedly for a few seconds.
Heaven’s Vengeance
After you take damage, your foe is struck by lightning.
Lightning Reflexes
After you Dash just before getting hit, a bolt strikes a nearby foe.
Storm Lightning
Your chain-lightning effects bounce more times before expiring.
High Voltage
Your lightning bolt effects deal damage in a larger area.
Double Strike
Your lightning bolt effects have a chance to strike twice.
Static Discharge
Your lightning effects also make foes Jolted.
Clouded Judgement
Your God Gauge charges faster when you deal or take damage.
Billowing Strength
After using Call, you deal more damage for a short time.
Splitting Bolt
All your lightning effects create an additional burst.
We don’t really use Artemis or Demeter’s boons if we have the choice. While we enjoy dealing Critical damage, we feel that it would never happen. Demeter’s Chill is also similar to Hangover and Doom, but not nearly as strong. We do enjoy using Crystal Beam every once in a while. In Hades, the best boons for these gods are:
Exit Wounds
Hunter’s Mark
Crystal Beam
Arctic Blast
Deadly Strike
Your Attack is stronger, with a chance to deal Critical damage.
Deadly Flourish
Your Special is stronger, with a chance to deal Critical Damage.
True Shot
Your Cast seeks foes, with a chance to deal Critical damage.
Hunter’s Flare
Your Cast damages foes around you, with a bonus Critical chance.
Hunter Dash
Your Dash-Strike deals more damage.
Artemis’ Aid
Your Call fires a seeking arrow with a large Critical chance.
Pressure Points
Any damage you deal has a chance to be Critical.
Exit Wounds
Your foes take damage when your ammo is stuck in them and dislodged.
Hide Breaker
Your Critical effects deal even more damage to Armor.
Clean Kill
Your Critical effects deal even more damage.
Hunter Instinct
Your God Gauge charges faster when you deal Critical damage.
Hunter’s Mark
After you deal Critical damage to a foe, a foe near it is Marked.
Support Fire
After you Cast, or hit with an Attack or Special, fire a seeking arrow.
Fully Loaded
Gain extra ammo for your Cast.
Frost Strike
Your Attack is stronger and inflicts Chill.
Frost Flourish
Your Special is stronger and inflicts Chill.
Crystal Beam
Your Cast drops a crystal that fires a beam straight ahead for a few seconds.
Icy Flare
Your Cast damages foes around you and inflicts Chill.
Mistral Dash
Your Dash shoots a gust ahead that inflicts Chill.
Demeter’s Aid
Your Call creates a winter vortex for a few seconds that deals damage and inflicts Chill.
Frozen Touch
After you take damage, damage and completely Chill your foe.
Rare Crop
Your boons become Common, then gain Rarity every few Encounters.
Ravenous Will
While you have no ammo, take less damage and deal more.
Nourished Soul
Any Health effects are more potent. Restore some health now.
Snow Burst
Whenever you Cast, damage nearby foes and inflict Chill.
Arctic Blast
Applying 10 stacks of Chill causes a blast, clearing the effect.
Killing Freeze
When all foes are Chill afflicted, they become Slow and Decay.
Glacial Glare
Your Cast fires longer and inflicts Chill.
Winter Harvest
Chill-affected foes shatter at low hp, inflicting Chill nearby.
It’s not that we didn’t enjoy using any of the boons that Aphrodite gave us in our Hades boon tier list. We just actively avoided them if we could since the others were simply better. But we admit, Weak is a good ability to have in a pinch. When faced with Aphrodite’s boons, the best boons in Hades for her are:
Broken Resolve
Dying Lament
Heartbreak Strike
Your Attack deals more damage and inflicts Weak.
Heartbreak Flourish
Your Special deals more damage and inflicts Weak.
Crush Shot
Your Cast is a wide, short-range blast that inflicts Weak.
Passion Flare
Your Cast damages foes around you and inflicts Weak.
Passion Dash
Your Dash inflicts damage where you end up, inflicting Weak.
Aphrodite’s Aid
Your Call fires a seeking projectile that inflicts Charm.
Dying Lament
When foes are slain, they damage nearby foes and inflict Weak.
Wave of Despair
After you take damage, damage nearby foes and inflict Weak.
Different League
Resist some damage from nearby foes’ attacks.
Life Affirmation
Any health-raising chamber rewards are worth more.
Empty Inside
Your Weak effects have a longer duration.
Sweet Surrender
Weak-afflicted foes are also more susceptible to damage.
Broken Resolve
Your Weak effects are more potent.
Blown Kiss
Your Cast shoots farther and is stronger against undamaged foes.
Unhealthy Fixation
Your Weak effects also have a chance to Charm foes.
I am a game journalist and guide writer with ten years of experience as well as the CEO/ Founder of Frowns Marketing, a marketing company that caters to indie games, tabletop games, and board games to help developers get more wishlists, backers, and players!