The 0.66.22 update has launched for Havendock, and now fans can dive into patch notes and see what has arrived. The game’s latest version brings several fixes boosting the gameplay alongside new additions, such as a new building and item. We highly recommend the update for the recent changes. Check out the Havendock 0.66.22 update patch notes below.
Patch Notes for the Havendock 0.66.22 Update

We’re experimenting with a new alternate mode of transportation for your character aside from boats. We guess since we can’t fly in real life, maybe I can at least soar through the air in-game.
The cannon starts out slow but can be upgraded to launch you faster and has additional research to decrease its cost to use it. It’s still being balanced, so further changes may be made to improve it.
This is just the first iteration of cannons, so it only launches you to a specific spot. I was just testing out a quirky idea that had been in my head for a while and decided to see how it played out. In a subsequent update, I think it would be cool if you could build your own “landing pads” and change where the cannon should launch you, so you can use it to get around different parts of your base quicker.
- Added new building: Human Cannon, unlocked by new research below ‘Coffee Makers’
- Added 2 more researches related to the Human Cannon
- Added new item, ‘Dynamite’, produced at Chemical Plants
- Fixed clones spawning with depleted stats and not working on female characters
- Reduced the chance of the last storage slot overflowing by huge amounts
(old storage boxes that overflow will not get reset) - Fix the trader sort function, causing items and values to display inaccurately
- Fixed optional input not filled if ‘Bring Inputs’ is not ticked even if ‘Fill Optional’ is ticked
Experimental branch:
- Fixed mice losing hunger/thirst/happiness/sleep stats
Update 0.66.12 for Havendock is available on PC, MacOS, and Linus.