By now, the Galactic War isn’t a new story. Hundreds of thousands of Helldivers jump into it every day, hoping to spread democracy in a timely manner. To inspire us democratic and loyal soldiers, Super Earth’s command tends to give us major orders as an incentive to liberate certain planets. While the promise of freedom should be rewarding enough, a few medals go a long way. Still, certain Helldivers 2 players prefer to ignore these major orders and stick to other fronts. While I don’t label them as dissidents, losing these missions is a bit annoying due to the lack of support. But you know what? I’ve realized losing isn’t the end for us.
Many Players Are Ignoring Major Orders in Helldivers 2

Every time I log into the game, I do the same ritual: check my gear, equip a new cape, see if I can unlock any ship upgrade, and choose the planet I’ll dive into. I always pick the one in the current major order, as any other Helldivers 2 player should. Well, color me surprised when I see that half of the Helldivers contingent is God knows where fighting on a planet that isn’t a priority. I won’t lie; at first, it frustrated me, especially because there have been traumatic battles in the past. But still, my hopes remained high. I said, “Maybe they are practicing before heading to a new front.” But no, I see high-ranking Helldivers fighting at a non-urgent front, and that just makes me want to throw my helmet out of the ship.

The past weeks have been full of this behavior, and certain players have noticed it. But like them, I’ve also come to terms with losing major orders in Helldivers 2 and don’t see it as bad anymore. If we all think about it, war is always changing, despite what the Fallout narrator says. The fact that we aren’t tied to seasonal updates for the story to move on means we’re constantly changing Helldivers 2‘s narrative. Lately, Super Earth’s command mentioned we don’t have the strength to liberate certain planets. While sad, seeing how the player agency is so strong in this game and doesn’t look like it’ll slow down is fantastic.
Ultimately, failure can lead to something exciting. The fact that Automatons have room to breathe and plan a counterattack is terrifying, and I can’t wait to see what our foes and good old Joel, the game master, have planned. While I’d love to see all soldiers on the same front, there are only so many of us. Still, we’ve managed to persevere against worse odds. While major orders aren’t the cup of tea of many Helldivers 2 players, we’re all working toward the same goal: spreading managed democracy.