Throughout your time in Hogwarts Legacy, there are loads of quests you will have tolerant how to complete, like Brother’s Keeper. The Brother’s Keep Quest is given to you by Dorothy Sprottle, who is pretty concerned about Bardolph, Claire Beaumont’s brother. He’s been missing for a while, and Dorothy asks you to track down Bardolph to ensure that he is alive and well. You’ll begin the quest in Upper Hogsfield, above Hogsmeade, in the middle of the small town. Keep reading to learn how to complete the Brother’s Keeper Quest in Hogwarts Legacy.
How to Complete Brother’s Keeper Quest in Hogwarts Legacy

The following are the steps you’ll have to take within the quest:
- Speak to Dorothy
- Discover what happened to Bardolph Beaumont
- Report back to Claire Beaumont
Speak with Dorothy Sprottle
When you reach Upper Hogsfield, you will find Dorothy weeding her garden. Speak to her, and she will send you over to talk to Claire Beaumont, Bardolph’s sister. Claire Beaumont can be found across the road from where you found Dorothy, at her shop.
Discover What Happened to Bardolph Beaumont

Following Claire’s instruction, you will make your way to a camp that humans might have occupied at one point. However, it is now teeming with Inferius. You will have to defeat each of them within the camp at this point. However, keep in mind that in order to defeat them, you must first weaken them with fire-based attacks so that they take more damage from your basic attacks and ancient magic attacks.
Report Back to Claire Beaumont

When you return to Upper Hogsfield, you will have to speak to Claire Beaumont, who can be found in the same place, and let her know that her dear brother had turned into an Inferius and you had to kill him. Unfortunately, there is nothing else that could have been done for him.

Once you complete the quest, you will receive a Wand handle and a handful of XP. While you are standing near Claire Beaumont, you can also begin the Breaking Camp Side Quest as well.