House Flipper 2 is a renovation and cleaning simulator where you can accept contracts to change someone’s house. At first, you will complete a short tutorial where you will master the basic mechanics, but this isn’ enough to fully understand everything because there are plenty of other tricks it doesn’t cover. We will help you learn some beginner tips and tricks to ease you into your house flipping career.
House Flipper 2: Best Tips & Tricks

Set Priorities Properly
The first thing to start with is, of course, to figure out which tasks should be completed first. Here’s a plan we recommend to use your time more efficiently:
- Sell items and furniture.
- Collect all the rubbish.
- Clean all stains.
- Renovate the floor.
- Demolish or build walls, renovate them.
- Buy and unpack new furniture.
It is recommended to do the first three points at once throughout the house so that you don’t have to do it later. When it comes to renovating walls and floors, it is better to complete all the tasks in each room one by one.
Use Flipper Sense
By pressing the Q key, you can scan the area around you to spot pending work, which will be highlighted in yellow. Depending on the tool you’re holding, you’ll only see tasks that are related to that activity. For example, if you are holding a sponge and using Flipper Sense, you will see all the stains around you.
Use this option constantly, in all rooms, with every tool, to understand where you have missed rubbish or a stain. Flipper Sense will be most useful for detecting stains because sometimes they take up several pixels and are impossible to see with the naked eye.

Sell Unused Consumables
Quite often, you will use paint and tiles, but sometimes there are leftovers after the job is done. Don’t waste them or throw them but instead sell them to make some extra money. Of course, you won’t get paid much, but by doing this every time, eventually, you can collect some money thanks to this.
Always Try to Get Three Stars
You can complete the basic tasks, get one star, and finish the job, but it’s better not to. Instead, try to complete all the tasks perfectly, from renovating the house to cleaning it.
Collect all the rubbish, wipe off all the stains, and don’t forget to use Flipper Sense to check if everything is okay. Thus, by reaching three stars, you will receive not only aesthetic pleasure but also much higher rewards.
Don’t Forget About Perks
Perks are unique passive buffs that you can use to make your work more efficient. From time to time, you will receive perk points for the work you do, which you can use to unlock new perks. This is very useful, especially in the beginning, so make sure you do it.
Among the useful perks for beginners are the following:
- Cleaning Spray – Clean stains much faster.
- Nothing Goes to Waste – Sell rubbish instead of throwing it away.
- Eye for Detail – The Flipper Sense effect lasts longer.
And this is just a small part of what you can unlock. Don’t neglect perks because they will help you do your job several times faster.
House Flipper 2 is available now on PC.