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Adyr wouldn’t be much of a demon god if his evil influence were easy to dispel. Cleansing each beacon in Mournstead requires the player to slay their way through hordes of enemies first. The last line of defense is the beacon boss, and Judge Cleric is one of the most difficult beacon bosses in Lords of the Fallen. Diverse attacks, multiple stages, and tricky timing are the foundations of Soulslike boss battles, and this boss is no exception. After working your way through the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters and Empyrean, it all comes down to this. Here’s how to beat Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel, in Lords of the Fallen.
Prepare for Battle

The fight against Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel is one of the most complicated boss fights in Lords of the Fallen. The more preparation you do beforehand, the easier it will be. Depending on your starting class and playstyle, this battle may develop into a war of attrition as you wear down the boss. Be mindful of your remaining Sanguinarix charges, as well as how much Mana and Ammunition you have remaining. Though it’s tempting to use consumables to buff right before battle, it’s better to save your resources until you’ve learned her patterns and timing.
Soulflay Judge Cleric

Some bosses in Lords of the Fallen are essentially immune to your Soulflay power, but Judge Cleric isn’t one of them. Use your Umbral Lamp to tear the boss’s soul from her body and unload on it for big damage. The best time to use this power is during Phase 1, and depending on how you’ve upgraded your Lamp, you may be able to do so more than once. Make sure you’re close enough that you can begin your follow-up attacks as soon as the Soulflay is complete. Maximizing your DPS in this way is important if you want to take down this tricky boss.
Hit the Boss Hard

The Judge Cleric fight is broken up into multiple phases. After you’ve done significant damage to her first health bar she’ll change tactics, and once you’ve drained her health she’ll transform again, this time with a brand new bar to match. Your level and equipment can change your approach to this battle dramatically. There’s no one right solution, but some general tips apply. Be mindful at close range, because her sword combos can catch you unprepared. She also has a nasty grab that can melt your health, so watch her movements and be prepared to dodge. Judge Cleric balances close and long-range attacks throughout the entire fight, so stay on the move and take advantage of the downtime between her attacks.
Dodge the Beam Attack

Much like Pieta, Judge Cleric has a Holy Beam attack. It fires in a straight line and can hit you essentially anywhere on the battlefield. Unlike some other bosses, there are no walls, columns, or anything else on the battlefield behind which you can take cover. That means you have no choice but to dodge the beam. The attack has a significant tell as she builds energy before firing, but it’s relatively brief, so your window to spot it is small. Slow, homing projectiles in the game can be dodged after they’ve been fired, but that’s not the case here. Wait until the last second and then dodge out of the way, then either get in a counterattack or use the chance to reposition.
Out Space the Arrow Rain

After Judge Cleric’s first transformation, she gains access to an AoE attack that summons a swarm of Holy arrows. It telegraphs the impact zone on the ground, so watch for where it ends and make sure you’re beyond its border before the arrows start landing. The arrows are dangerous, but the even greater danger is allowing them to back you against a wall where you have no room to maneuver away from Judge Cleric. Disengaging your lock-on camera to freely survey the arena around you can be helpful to avoid getting cornered while you dodge.
Counterattack After the Arrows
Judge Cleric is vulnerable to counterattacks while summoning the arrows and for a short window after. When she is walking around, she is able to sidestep most projectiles, but her summoning and charge animations lock her in place for a moment. That’s long enough to get a hit or two in with your favorite spell or projectile. The best throwables in the game can do significant damage to the boss while allowing you to stay at a mostly safe distance. If need be, replenish your Ammunition with a Satchel or two to keep the volley going.
Tackle Phase 2

Depending on your build, the first portion of the Judge Cleric battle can be extremely difficult, so it’s disheartening to see Phase 2 begin with a brand new health bar and powers. Though the AoE arrow attack is gone, Phase 2 plays out similarly to Phase 1. Judge Cleric still mixes close and long-range attacks, so don’t let your guard down at any distance. Her melee timing can be tricky, so in general you’re safer at a distance. Disengage your lock-on camera for a better look at the battlefield if you need to. Phase 1 is arguably the toughest part of this fight. Still, it’s easy to get overconfident or careless at the end, especially if the battle has worn on for a long time.
Dodge and Punish the Rush Attack

In Phase 2, Judge Cleric’s attacks can be visually overwhelming, especially at point-blank range. One such attack is the rush, during which Judge Cleric rises into the air before swooping toward you. The boss can trigger this attack at a variety of ranges, making it somewhat unpredictable. Like the grab attack from the previous phase, the solution is to dodge at the last second. That’s easier said than done. If possible, don’t let yourself be distracted by the pyrotechnics, and keep your focus on dodging.
Stay Mobile
During Phase 2 of this fight, even more than Phase 1, it’s imperative that you stay on the move. If you’re wearing heavy armor or wielding a heavy weapon, getting in more than one or two hits without getting punished is tough. Be patient and wait for your moment to come. During this time, you’ll need to stay mobile. Take the opportunity to study Judge Cleric’s movements because they often foreshadow a coming attack.
Avoid the AoE

Arguably, the most significant change during Phase 2 is the addition of a red AoE wave attack. The wave does huge damage and may be enough to one-shot you. It radiates throughout the arena, making it impossible to out space. You can dodge through it, much like the Hushed Saint’s AoE attack, however. Other than distraction, the biggest danger is that you’ll be mid-animation when the wave strikes. Keep your eyes open and time everything you do in rhythm with Judge Cleric’s own motions.
Slay Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel
This far into the fight, you may be on your last Sanguinarix charges, Manastones, and Ammunition Satchels. Use the pauses between the Judge Cleric’s attacks to replenish as needed, and attack when you can. This boss doesn’t have a ton of health, so as long as you’re landing consistent blows, she will fall soon enough. Once you slay the Judge Cleric, be sure to interact with her Stigma near the beacon in order to claim her Remembrance.
Lords of the Fallen is available for PC, PlayStation 5, and