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The Moving Heat mission in Phantom Liberty can be completed with an aggressive approach, but as with most missions in Cyberpunk 2077, stealth works too. The mission’s fixer prefers you keep things quiet, so the focus here is on a stealthy playthrough. If things go sideways or you just prefer a bloodier solution, you can open fire at any time and fight your way through, in true CD Projekt Red fashion. The goal is to break into a secure Barghest parking garage, wipe the data on a car’s onboard computer, and then steal the vehicle. It’s possible to do all of that undetected, but it won’t be easy. Here’s everything you need to know about how to complete Moving Heat in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty.
Take the Elevator To Begin Moving Heat in Cyberpunk

You’ll accept the assignment and handle pre-mission business on your phone, but things won’t really get going until you reach the designated elevator. Unsurprisingly in Cyberpunk, the car is under heavy guard, and Moving Heat begins as soon as you take the elevator down into the area where the Barghest are storing it. Be ready, because there’s a camera on the wall facing the elevator. It can’t see you if you stick to the right side of the elevator, so if you need a moment to prepare and survey your surroundings, hug the wall. Wait for the guard to clear the area, then embrace your netrunner side, disable the camera, and proceed.
Ping the Guards and Survey the Area

There are multiple guards in the large room ahead of you, as well as a camera on the left wall. You’ll need to plan your route across the room carefully to avoid detection. It’s worth pinging the guards to reveal their locations and make this part of the mission easier. You can deactivate the camera on the left wall now, but you’ll have a more convenient opportunity in a moment.
Neutralize the First Guard

For now, ignore the guard on the catwalk. Slip into the side room, accessible through the door just inside the main room’s entrance. He is standing with his back to you as he works at the computer, so neutralize him quickly before he notices you. You’ve probably realized that Cool Perks help a lot in Moving Heat, but any build in Cyberpunk can pull this off if your timing is good enough.
Take Out the Second Camera and Guard

Continue to the next room and look through the window. Deactivate the camera on the wall if you haven’t already. Then move to the door and disable the camera on the supporting pillar ahead of you. With that done, head back to the entrance of the main room and proceed along the catwalk to where the guard is standing. Neutralize him.
Clear the Main Room

There are three guards on the ground level of the main room that need to be taken out. Hack the forklift to distract the enemies and use the opportunity to take out one of them. You can then use a second distraction, such as the camera above the door, to distract the other two and neutralize them one at a time.
Have a Backup Plan
Moving Heat is yet another mission in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty where you’ll need a good backup plan. Getting both guards can be tricky, and things might go south. If they notice you, use a silenced weapon to dispatch them before they raise the alarm. Access the next room through the large gate behind them.
Avoid Detection and Follow the Vehicle

In a moment, a large truck will arrive through the entrance opposite you. It’s important that you reach the far side of the room (to your right when you first come through the door) before the truck does. Beware: there are multiple guards as well as turrets here. Follow the right wall and stick to cover until you can deactivate the first turret.
Neutralize the Guard and Second Turret
There are several enemies with good lines of sight in this area, so dash through the open space and back into cover. Once you’re hidden again, silently neutralize the guard, and deactivate the second turret. If you’re careful, you can clear this area with little to no bloodshed. Just keep in mind that you need to be fast if you want to reach the next area at the same time as the truck.
Clear the Area and Get in the Car

Proceed to the small area where the truck will wait for the next door to open. Keep pace with the vehicle and use it for cover, because there’s a guard in the booth who will otherwise spot you. Once you’re in the next area, turn right and disable the camera. Moving Heat is almost over, but as usual in Cyberpunk, there’s still room for things to go wrong if you aren’t careful.
Ambush the Guard
Wait for the two guards to finish talking, then grab the one who remains in the area and take him out. Stay in cover, because a car will drive through a moment later. You may need to grab him and drag him back behind cover before neutralizing him. Stick to the wall and keep moving forward. The target vehicle is just ahead. You’ll be behind the wheel of that incredible vehicle in just a moment.
Wipe the Data and Complete Moving Heat in Cyberpunk 2077

Once you reach the car, get in and wipe the data. All that’s left for you to do is drive out. As long as you don’t do anything suspicious, the guards won’t raise the alarm, so stay calm. On your way out, the patrol will stop you. Just wait until they give the order to lower the barricade, then proceed. Moving Heat will be completed as soon as you reach the designated area, leaving you free to enjoy the rest of Cyberpunk 2077 in your new ride.