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This week min BitLife, we’re up against the Cunning Cougar Challenge, a challenge that takes us deep into Canada as a forensic scientist who keeps her taste for younger partners as she grows. We’ll spend time hooking up with, and even marrying people that are at least ten years younger than us, and finally, have a set of twins once we’ve reached at least 35 years of age. Let’s take a look at how to complete the Cunning Cougar Challenge in BitLife.
Cunning Cougar Challenge Tasks
Before we jump right into completing the Cunning Cougar Challenge, let’s take a look at the tasks we’re up against:
- Be born a female in Canada.
- Become a forensic scientist.
- Hook up with 5+ people 10+ years younger than you.
- Marry someone 10+ years younger than you.
- Have twins after age 35.
Be Born a Female in Canada
To be born a female in Canada, you’ll either already have to be a female in Canada, or you’ll have to create a whole new life. To create a new custom life, head over to the Activities tab and select the Surrender option at the bottom of the list. From there, choose to surrender your current life and follow the prompts to start a new custom life. From there, simply ensure your Gender is female and your Country is Canada. The rest of the attributes and specifics can be filled in however you’d like.
Become a Forensic Scientist
After you’ve got your new life started and have aged up to at least 18 years old, you’ll need to start working on the proper college to become a forensic scientist. First, you’ll need to go to University and get a degree in Criminal Justice, along with a science-related degree, like chemistry or biology. After you’ve got these down, head into the Job listings under the Occupation tab and choose either a Crime Scene Analyst or a Crime Scene Technician position and work your way up to a full Forensic Scientist position.
Hook Up With 5+ People and Marry Someone 10+ Years Younger Than You
For this portion of the challenge, we’ll be taking on two tasks at once, to hook up with at least five people who are at least ten years older than you, and marry one of them. The best way to do this is by using the Dating App. Head over to the Activities tab and select the Dating App option from the list, then set your desired age to at least 10 years younger than you. Make sure you are at least 28 years old for this part. Once you find someone to hook up with, choose the option to hook up with them and start looking for the next person until you’ve done this at least five times. After that, choose one of the partners you had that’s at least ten years younger than you and increase your relationship with them until you can Propose and finally Plan a Wedding with them through the Relationship tab.
Have Twins After Age 35
In order to ensure, or at least raise your odds of having twins, head over to the Activities tab and navigate to the Fertility menu. From there, choose the IVF option and make sure you don’t get on birth control or use condoms. Alternatively, if you have the Golden Pacifier, you can simply choose the option to have twins.
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