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Tears of the Kingdom’s Fell into a Well introduces you to a game mechanic: secret areas inside wells. If you are crossing the Hylia River from Crenel Peak to Ranch Ruins or vice versa in Tears of the Kingdom, you may notice a smoke signal that spreads across the sky; if you follow it, you will see that it leads you to a well. It’s called Rebonae Bridge Well. Typically, these house secret rooms are full of treasures, but in this case, you have to do a side mission. Here’s how to complete the Fell into a Well! sidequest in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.
Fell Into a Well Sidequest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Walkthrough

To start the quest in Tears of the Kingdom’s Fell into a Well! You must go to Rebonae Bridge, the location indicated in the image. At the northwest end of the bridge, you will find a Well from which a smoke signal comes out. Jump into it and cushion the fall with your paraglider. Down there, you will find a man named Dillie, whose ladder broke and needs your help. Talk to “Dillie” to start this short side mission.
How To Complete the Fell into a Well!

Dillie’s problem is that his ladder broke in two; luckily, the broken half is inside the well. This means that you can use your Ultrahand skill to join half of the ladder lying on the ground with half of the ladder leaning against the wall, which leads to the exit of the well. Follow these steps to help Dillie to get out of the well in Tears of the Kingdom in the quest Fell into a Well!
- Find half of the ladder lying on the ground.
- Use your Ultrahand ability to grab that half of the ladder and move it closer to the half of the ladder on the wall.
- Attach both halves to return the ladder to its natural state.
- Talk to Dillie to let him know that the ladder is now working and that he can leave.
Tip: The ladder is not made of rigid material. If you hold it from the middle, the ends will fall off, and you cannot repair it properly. Instead, if you hold it from either end, the ladder will drop, and you can attach it to the middle of the wall.
As a reward for helping Dillie, he will give you a purple rupee worth X50 green rupees.
Tears of the Kingdom is available on Nintendo Switch.