The Title Deed DMZ mission is a Tier-4 Black Mous faction story objective in Warzone 2 Season 4. Completing this mission grants you the next Tier of Black Mous missions. But you need to be ready for a hard task. In this mission, you need to find the Vondel‘s University Dead Drop, grab the Phalanx hard drive, and then retrieve another hard drive from Al-Mazrah’s Zaya Observatory Dead Drop. You also need to do a final act on this assignment as well, which we’ll now dive into detail.
What Are The Objectives of Title Deed DMZ Mission?
- Find the Phalanx hard drive from Vondel University Dead Drop.
- Grab the hard drive from Zaya Observatory Dead Drop in Al-Mazrah.
- Upload both drives in Al-Mazrah.
The Title Deed is a DMZ story mission, and like other story objectives, this one is a bit tricky too. Since the second and third objectives of this mission take place in Al-Mazrah, let’s start with the first one and extract the needed item from Vondel. Choose the Vondel map in the DMZ mode to begin the mission, and head to the location in the image above.
Here you’ll find Vondel University’s Dead Drop. Open it, and pick the Phalanx hard drive. Next, you need to exfil safely with the hard drive and head to the Al-Mazrah to continue the Title Deed DMZ mission.
Where is Zaya Observatory’s Dead Drop?
In the Al-Mazrah map, look for the location above. This is the Zaya Observatory, and its Dead Drop is right in the alley. The coordination of this Dead Drop is shown in this image, and it contains another hard drive that you need to store in your backpack.
Now with both drives in your backpack, all you need to do is to find a radio tower. These towers are everywhere in Al-Mazrah, and all of them work for this mission. Climb on top of one of them, and press the interaction button near the console to begin the upload. This marks the completion of the Title Deed DMZ mission in Season 4.
Remember that if you die during any of the steps in this mission, you need to start all over again. You also have to bring the hard drive from Vondel to Al-Mazrah with a successful exfil to upload both drives at the same time.
How To Complete Icebreaker DMZ Mission in Warzone 2 Season 4
Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 Season 4 has started. Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2 are available to play on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4,